Sunday, June 30, 2024

TravelPerk's July 2022 Marketplace Update

The monthly marketplace updates are designed to help our community better understand what’s new in our marketplace, and provide important insights for our clients about our brand new integrations and the information needed to implement them. Beyond that, in this month’s blog post you’ll also learn more about the events that we are taking part and the ways to make your employee’s travel easier during the current situation with delayed or canceled flights. 

This month’s marketplace blog post includes updates about our:

  • Partners’ developers
  • Business partners
  • Clients

Updates for developers

Starting off with our new product updates, we’ve just launched new functionalities to our Sandbox:


We added an additional tool for our partners’ developers to make integration testing with TravelPerk easy. Want to give it a try? Test a car hire in our Sandbox environment.

Book trains, and cars and cancel anything you book, hassle-free.

Learn more here

TravelPerk Trip webhook

This is a super exciting update, as you no longer need to poll our API to find new trips.
The new webhook allows you to subscribe to notifications whenever a trip is created or changed – generating more accurate value for customers by integrating efficiently with TravelPerk.

How does it help you?

Now you can trigger any workflow based on a trip and specific details associated with that trip.

For example, to calculate the per diem expense allowance:

  1. Subscribe to the webhook to get a notification as soon as a new trip is booked.
  2. Within the same payload – all the details about the destinations, timings, and duration will be shared – allowing you to calculate exactly what the traveler is entitled to. 
  3. If there are any changes to the itinerary – you’ll be notified to adjust the allowance accordingly. 

Learn more about how the webhook works and how to implement it in our documentation. 

For developers, by developers

Lastly, did you hear about our new blog post written by our own engineers? Start your week with a quick read on how our team while busy building our platform for the future, is focusing on the core belief, that building fewer but better things drives great impact.

Learn more about how we are offering a 7* experience to our clients here

Updates for our partners

Moving on with the updates for our partners, we are excited to announce that we take part in the Turing Fest, in Edinburgh.

Meet us in real life: Turing Fest, 27-28 July, Edinburgh 

Turing Fest enables you to learn and connect with the best in tech, and gain practical insight into the art and science of building, growing, and leading successful startups and high-growth tech businesses – see for yourself!

Make sure to attend our COO’s Huw Slater speech about ‘’How to Survive a Crisis: Lessons From A War Time COO’’, between 1:35 – 2:05 pm, on July 27th.

Come meet us at the TravelPerk lounge, at  Europe’s best cross-functional tech conference. 
Get your tickets here!

Updates for clients

We are aware that during summer many of your employees are working remotely, and so we have prepared some recommendations for you that will make your employees’ travel feel like a breeze.


We’ve teamed up with WeWork to bring to our customers a special discount on WeWork All Access, a monthly membership that unlocks hundreds of convenient workspaces, giving you access to professional spaces and amenities close to home and around the world.

Learn more here.


As you are aware, there is a wave of Airline flight delays and cancellations and so we want to make sure that we’ve got you covered. Through our collaboration with AirHelp, we help you get a refund for any delayed or canceled flights easily and hassle-free.

Learn more here.


Last but not least, We’ve teamed up with Stasher so that you never have to lug your luggage around again. Stasher provides luggage storage in hotels and shops across cities worldwide – perfect for the first or last day of your trip.

Learn more here.

The post TravelPerk's July 2022 Marketplace Update appeared first on TravelPerk.


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