Friday, July 5, 2024
Weird Stuff

25 Odd News Stories For The Weirdos Out There –

To think, McLovin is 41 now.
Wanna feel empty/hopeless/really creeped out? Just watch one of these.
Jack Vance sailed the high seas…of imagination. And also the real sea.
David Koresh prophesied a holy war, and then brought one upon himself.
Jokes so good you’ll die ( is not responsible for joke-related deaths).
Often in the course of a long and winding day we might enjoy a list of interesting facts that were told to us by one or another friend or family member. At times they are humorous, at other times they are informative, but no matter what, they are usually interesting and often entertaining. They are the kinds of stories that keep our minds active and engaged, even when our bodies are tired or our eyes are strained. As we sleep we may be reminded of them with the passing dreams that are more than just mere recollections. We may not be able to recall who told us the story in the first place, but the facts will remain with us forever. It has become our habit to make these lists as we grow older. Perhaps they are lists of odd facts that we have accumulated over time. Or perhaps they are lists of odd facts that we enjoy this list of interesting facts that we have created for ourselves. Either way, they are lists of facts that we enjoy sharing with others and which we enjoy learning for ourselves.
NBC News
ARS Tenchnica
The Daily Beast
Toronto Sun
Manchester Evening News
Food Business News
The Guardian
Get Reading
CBS News
Sky News
We’ve got your morning reading covered.
Judging from the trailer, at least.
Why are super spoofs so difficult?
Michigan residents entered a library to vote to pull that library’s funding.
Well-meaning lies are still lies.
We make the words of the Godzilla voyeur our own: LET THEM FIGHT.
Why doesn’t this ever happen to us?
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