Wednesday, September 11, 2024
Weird Stuff

'I pranked a cheating woman to think she'd been caught – it saved her marriage' – The Mirror

Saffron Fox claimed that she ‘saved a marriage’ after she prank-called her colleague – a married woman with children – who was cheating with her co-worker – who was also married
Cheating on a partner or spouse is incredibly taboo – no argument needed.
Whilst many people may go to extreme lengths to conceal this secretive ordeal – some may choose to speak openly about it.
As described by Summer Fox on TikTok, a previous colleague wasn't one to keep her mouth tightly zipped about her cheating woes.
The social media star shared her first-hand experience with a colleague who was cheating – and later opened the eyes of the married woman after tricking her with a prank call.
"I worked in a big office with women and then was a different office but still the same company upstairs," she said.
"A woman in my office – we'll call her Sally – she was having it off with one of the men upstairs and they'll always sneak off out the back and kiss and cuddle.
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"She was married – and so was he – it was the office drama.
"It had been going on for a while and she was just talking about it openly like she didn't give a s*** – she had kids and everything."
Summer explained how she used a "prank call app" – which uses different automated voice calls for preference – with one based on a wife calling out a woman for cheated on their husband.
She continued: "So, I decided that it would be really funny if I did the cheating one on the woman that was getting with the man upstairs.
"I don't know why I thought that was funny? I was 20!
"There were around three of us who knew about it in the office and I was like, 'Should I do it on Sally?'"
She explained: "So, we're all sitting there and waiting for her to answer the call..
"She answers it and obviously there's a voice recording on the other end saying, 'Who is this? I've seen your number on my husband's phone.
"And we're all watching Sally and seeing her react to it – and she's like, 'Who is this? Who is this?' She's panicking!
"Anyway, she gets off the phone and she's like, 'What the hell was that?'
"I ring her again and she answers it – same conversation again – but this time she hangs up and she's starting to panic.
"She actually thinks that the man's wife has found out about their cheating scandal and she's contacted her.
"Sally's panicking – she's ready to call the man upstairs or call him to come down to tell him that his wife knows.
"And I'm like s*** – now I'm going to tell her that it's me!"
"So, anyway, I had to say it didn't I? And I said, 'Sally, stop – it's just a prank call'
"She started crying and I felt so bad…" She added.
"I don't know, do I feel bad? She was getting with someone's husband and she was cheating."
"I do feel bad but I really think it made her realise what she was doing.
"Sally burst into tears and was like, 'Guys, I'm not actually p****d off, I've just realised how deep it is what I'm doing – I need to stop.
"And we were like, 'Oh God! This is much deeper than we thought it was going to be but yeah, you're right – you should'.
"She stopped getting with him after that – so I basically saved her marriage and the man upstairs."
Taking to the comment section, one user penned: "Omg! You're an accidental hero."
"No, sorry she needed that wake up call," another added.
A third penned: "She didn’t think of the other woman! What goes around comes around."
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