Thursday, July 4, 2024
Weird Stuff

The trending and weird news, videos everyone will be talking about today: OMG – Asbury Park Press

Welcome to OMG,‘s home for weird news and all things trending, odd, viral,  ‘crazy Jersey’ or hilarious in our glorious state and beyond. 
Get a good laugh, check out that viral video everyone’s talking about today, know your #saltbae from your #hurtbae or be disturbed — be very disturbed — the choice is yours at OMG.
Most important, don’t be left out when half the staff is over at Susan in Marketing’s desk debating in earnest whether the internet was won by a 6-year-old Girl Scout
Visit all day every day for all the stories everyone (including you, now — you’re welcome) will be talking about and sharing today. FOMO averted.  
More:Kristen Bell says she caught anal worms from her daughter. Don’t let it happen to your family
More: Mom charged with allowing 2 kids to sleep, play in room with dead daughter


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