Friday, October 4, 2024
Weird Stuff

Weird News: Perp gets jollies blasting lobby with fire extinguisher spray – Palm Beach Post

The streets of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast are full of wild, outrageous tales you won’t find on the front page.
Here are the most notable recent reports of folks behaving badly:
Lobby liberties: Possibly screaming “fire” or “woohoo,” an unknown perpetrator entered the lobby of a residential complex in the 4600 block of North Congress Avenue and got busy. Grabbing a fire extinguisher, the suspect either imagined there was a fire or, more likely, just felt like being hateful and making a mess for someone else to clean up. Either way, they went wild and managed to cover most of the lobby in the fire-retardant spray. The fire extinguisher was found outside in the bushes. Attempts to lift fingerprints from the device were met with negative results. There were no security cameras in the area.
Licenseless loser: Driving a vehicle with a license plate that had expired over two years earlier, a motorist was stopped in the 2500 block of Pinewood Avenue. In addition to being expired, the tag wasn’t even for that vehicle. On top of driving a car with an expired tag that turned out to not be assigned to any vehicle, the motorist’s driver’s license had expired a year earlier. Added to all this, the less-than-delightful stench of freshly burnt marijuana was wafting from inside the truck. With a marijuana cigarette, or joint, sitting in plain view in the center console, the man stated that he’d smoked a “tiny bit” of the intoxicating weed. He did not possess a medical marijuana card and was arrested for drug possession.
Time with ‘Toes’: After walking out of a home in the 400 block of Wilder Street, where he was not a resident, a man turned around and ran back inside at the sight of a police officer. Officers announced their presence as they entered the home and ordered the three people inside to exit. Though all three admitted they were not residents and had no reason for being inside, one of the men drew extra attention by attempting to walk back inside. In addition, he kept touching his front pockets as if to confirm something was still there. A search of his person revealed small plastic container that turned out to be his crack stash. He later admitted he was addicted to the drug and had gotten his latest supply from a dealer known as “Toes.” He was arrested for drug possession.
Nailed it: A woman who was getting multiple cosmetic nail services at a salon in the 1400 block of West Lantana Road was informed that the total cost was going to be $75. Though having entered the salon for the purpose of getting her nails done, the woman, who maybe once lived in some magical land where goods and services are free, claimed she had no money. She then added that she would need to go to a nearby grocery store to get the cash. Asked to leave her phone as collateral, she said she did not have one. She then walked out of the store, got on her bicycle and pedaled away. The entire incident was captured on the store’s video surveillance system.
Block & tackle: After filling his car with fuel at a store in the 1800 block of West Lantana Road, a man pulled his car over to the side. Though he had pulled over a bit, he was still blocking traffic and was asked by one of the employees to move his vehicle. That’s when all heck broke lose. Offended at being asked to move, the man became irate and got out of his car. He then charged, probably like a rutting musk ox, at the employee and delivered multiple belly bumps, driving him back approximately 10 feet. The entire incident was captured on surveillance cameras. Though the employee declined to prosecute, the business revoked the man’s membership.
Line-cutting clash: Cutting in line at the drive-through of a business specializing in coffee and doughnuts in the 1100 block of South Dixie Highway, a bicyclist was confronted by the motorist he’d cut off. Arguing with the bicyclist, the motorist got out of his vehicle and kicked the man’s rear tire. The bicyclist later claimed he was also kicked and had captured the assault on his cellphone. The video showed the two men arguing and the bicycle being kicked, but that no actual assault took place. The bicyclist then said he just wanted to leave. He signed a non-prosecution form and pedaled away.
Missed a report? Find more hilarity here.
Shirt stealer: Selecting a shirt at a store in the 3100 block of PGA Boulevard, a man did the next logical thing: He stuffed it down his pants. Witnessing the man’s pants stuffing/theft attempt maneuver, an employee alerted police. The man was eventually arrested and released with a notice to appear.  
Berserk in the bathroom: After making a purchase at a business in the 3900 block of Northlake Boulevard, a man asked the clerk if he could use the restroom. Given the key, the man proceeded to the lavatory. After what seemed like more than a reasonable amount of time to do one’s business, the clerk became concerned. She became even more concerned when she heard noises coming from inside like he was ripping it apart. After a coworker said he also heard banging and a bit of crying, the police were called. Knocking on the door, police were able to get the man to open it. Stripped down to only his underwear, the man was extremely restless and could not stop moving. Though he hadn’t “destroyed” the lavatory, he had ripped the paper towel dispenser from the wall. He denied being on any drugs, but was eventually taken to the hospital.  A syringe was found under the sink. The man was issued a trespass warning for the business.
Drugs, lots of drugs: Pulled over for having an expired tag and a suspended license, a motorist eventually stopped near the intersection of Alternate A1A and Legacy Avenue. On probation for burglary, the man’s probation condition stated he must submit to a search and have no illegal drugs or alcohol. Oops! The search revealed a cornucopia of illicit mind-dulling and seemingly mind-expanding pharmaceuticals and botanicals. There were eight capsules filled with fentanyl, three baggies of fentanyl, almost three dozen valium tablets and a bag of stinky green marijuana. He was arrested on multiple counts of drug possession and parole violation. Back to jail baby!
Asleep at the wheel: Found passed out in his vehicle at a parking lot a parking lot in the 9800 block of Alternate A1A, a man did not wake up when the horn was pressed in his still-running vehicle. When police arrived, they were able to break through the unconsciousness barrier and spoke with the driver. With slow, slurred speech he explained that yes, he’d been doing some shots with his neighbors and yes, he’d been smoking cannabis, but he thought he had shown a certain level of responsibility by pulling over and going to sleep. He was asked to take part in a roadside sobriety test and said yes. He did poorly and was arrested for DUI. He later refused to provide a breath sample.
Fender-bender offender: After being rear ended while stopped at the intersection of Southeast Dixie Highway and Southeast Salerno Road, a man stepped out of his vehicle to make contact with the other motorist. Rather than greet the man he’d just rammed, apologize, wait for police or begin exchanging information, the culprit backed up, went around the vehicle he’d just hit and fled the scene. Well, he sort of went around it: He hit it again. The driver who’d been rammed, hopped back in his car and followed the suspect while calling deputies and letting them know what had happened. Using the information provided by the victim, deputies were able to locate and stop the suspect. With several open containers of alcohol and a pistol in plain view, the man was removed from the car. After he was medically cleared, he claimed he’d fled the scene because he had “weed” in the car and was worried what would happen when deputies arrived. He was arrested and later taken to jail.
Driving while doping: Traveling south on Southeast Commerce Avenue, a motorist hit the brakes and stopped in the middle of the road for no apparent reason. Officially stopped by deputies, the driver seemed nervous. Asked why she stopped for no reason she said she was sorry and didn’t know why she did it. After a K9 officer was brought to the scene and alerted, the woman and her passengers were told to get out of the vehicle. While the vehicle was being searched, a deputy asked the driver whether everything was OK. She stated she did not want to get into trouble to which the deputy told her “Honesty is the way to go.” She said she a crack pipe which she removed from inside her bra. She was arrested for possession of drug paraphernalia and asked if there was any additional contraband on her person. She then spit out a small plastic bag that contained two pieces of crack. She was taken to jail.
Sobriety anxiety: Running a red light and then completely ignoring a stop sign, a motorist was pulled over near the intersection of South Loxahatchee and Toney Penna Drives. With glassy eyes and the faint smell of an unknown alcoholic beverage on her breath as she spoke, the driver admitted committing the two traffic infractions. She then said she’d had two beers approximately four hours earlier. Though she was cooperative and talkative, she was a bit confused regarding her location and stated she thought she was on Fifth Street. Asked to take part in a roadside sobriety test, she agreed and even had a bit of fun. In the walk and turn portion she apparently did her best Cindy Crawford and strutted like a model on the catwalk. During the Romberg Alphabet portion of the test the wheels began to come off when on her first attempt she made it to “T” before ending with “M, G.” She then started back up and finished with “T, U, Z, L, M, Y.” She was arrested for DUI and later refused to provide a breath sample. 
Drug downfall: Stopped in the 100 block of Reina Way and passed out at the wheel, a motorist was startled and quickly regained consciousness when police knocked on his window. Rolling down the window, he told police he was fine despite having pupils dilated into tiny pinpoints and his face drooping down. After he was asked to step out of his vehicle, the syringe he had used to pump poison into his body fell out of his lap as he stood up. Acting fidgety and speaking quickly, he was asked whether there was anything illegally in the vehicle. His hesitation might as well have been an admission, as that, combined with his physical condition, led to a search of the vehicle. A small green baggie with white powder residue and a clear capsule filled with white powder were found. He was arrested for drug possession. When asked about the fentanyl in the car, he began crying. 
Compiled by Eddie Ritz from area law enforcement records.


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