Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Weird Stuff

This Week's Weird News 6/5/20 | BIN – Black Information Network

A monstrous landslide wiping out a neighborhood in Norway, the discovery of a dinosaur’s last meal, and an unearthed Nazi diary that may lead to a huge cache of treasure were among the strange, unusual and enlightening stories to cross our desk this past week.
The hunt for lost Nazi treasure in Europe appeared to receive a major boost this week when it was revealed that a recently unearthed diary from a Third Reich officer contained the locations of 11 caches of gold, religious relics, and stolen artwork hidden throughout Poland. Sounding almost too fantastic to be true, the journal also came with a literal treasure map leading to a well on the grounds of a palace where, it is claimed, a whopping 30 tons of gold are buried. Time will tell whether the mysterious journal is a breakthrough or a bust.
A pair of creatures that vanished from this planet long ago reached out across time to pop up in the news cycle this past week. First, in Wales, a pair of brothers walking along a beach unearthed a massive horn that once belonged to a now-extinct type of wild cattle known as an auroch, which roamed the region thousands of years ago. Meanwhile, scientists studying a mummified dinosaur announced that its remarkably well-preserved stomach still contained the ancient beast’s last meal.
Another display of Mother Nature’s enormous power unfolded this week over in Norway when a massive landslide carried an entire neighborhood out to sea. During the jaw-dropping event, a huge chunk of land broke away from the shoreline of a coastal community and took eight homes with it as it crumbled into the water. Fortunately, no one was injured during the bizarre incident as it was something of a slow-moving disaster and residents were able to scramble away to safety.
For more strange and unusual stories from the past week, check out the Coast to Coast AM website.


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