Wednesday, July 3, 2024
Weird Stuff

This Week's Weird News 11/18/22 – American Top 40

A police officer who photographed a UFO trailing an airplane, a pair of possible ghost videos, and NASA’s historic Artemis 1 rocked launch are among the weird and wondrous stories to cross our desk this past week.
This past week featured a rather compelling account from a police officer in Florida who spotted and photographed a UFO trailing a Coast Guard plane. Charles Morose was on patrol in the community of Bradenton Beach when he looked up and noticed that there was a "big black thing in the sky" behind the aircraft. While observing the odd scene, he was amazed to see the plane turn as if it to pursue the UFO, which then took off at an incredible speed. While insisting that he is not a "UFO conspiracy theorist," Morose had no explanation for what he had witnessed and a subsequent call to the Coast Guard left more questions than answers as they indicated that they were unaware of any unusual activity at the time of the officer’s sighting.
Photo: Getty Images
Two history-making space flights made news this past week by way of a pair of proverbial ships passing in the night. First, the U.S. military’s X-37B space plane returned to Earth after a record-breaking 908 days in orbit around the planet. While the U.S. Space Force shared some details about what the secretive craft had been doing for all that time, much of the vehicle’s mission remains a mystery. Later in the week, NASA’s Artemis 1 rocket launch finally took place in the wee hours of Wednesday morning following multiple delays over the last few months. The long-awaited event marked the start of the space agency’s bold plan to send humans back to the moon by the end of the decade.
Photo: Getty Images
A pair of decidedly different potential ghost videos made headlines this week, beginning with a case out of Minnesota that began when a man’s dog started barking as if someone was outside their house. When he saw no one out there, the homeowner checked his security footage and was stunned to see what appeared to be an apparition walking down the road. Meanwhile, in Argentina, a hospital security guard says that he let a woman into the building to retrieve something left behind in her room, but when she never returned, he called the floor with her information and was stunned to discover that she had died three hours earlier. Making the incident particularly chilling is that his alleged conversation with the spirit was caught on video and only the guard can be seen.
For more strange and unusual stories from the past week, check out the Coast to Coast AM website.


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