Tuesday, October 1, 2024

The Spring Equinox May Throw You Off Balance

Fun astrology fact: spring always begins with the very first day of Aries season, which also happens to be the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. After months of staring at the same four walls, we’re ready to harness this zodiac sign’s get-up-and-go energy for the pursuit of novelty.

But not so fast! Aries is the zodiac’s baby; the eager first of the 12 signs. During the spring equinox, we’re all like tiny, tender seedlings pushing our way through hardened soil. Energy must be expended wisely as we reach for the sun.

Yep, this day of equal light and dark is all about balance. “Equinox” literally translates into “equal night,” after all. But finding our footing could be tricky in 2023. The reason? This equinox is sandwiched between two big-deal cosmic events, which haven’t happened in 29 years (Saturn in Pisces) and 245 years (Pluto in Aquarius), respectively.

Astrostyle Publishing Supercouple: Astrology Secrets for a Sexy, Soulful and Satisfying Relationship with Any Zodiac Sign

<i>Supercouple: Astrology Secrets for a Sexy, Soulful and Satisfying Relationship with Any Zodiac Sign</i>

Astrostyle Publishing Supercouple: Astrology Secrets for a Sexy, Soulful and Satisfying Relationship with Any Zodiac Sign

The tide turns already begin on March 7, when Saturn orbits into Pisces for the first time since 1993–1996. If you were born during those years, you might be starting a cosmic rite-of-passage called the Saturn return. (Along with the Biebers, Megan Thee Stallion, Bad Bunny, Gigi Hadid, Harry Styles, and Doja Cat, to name several.)

Saturn is the planet of boundaries and restriction. Pisces is the sign of fantasy and blurred edges. See the paradox here? Life could get full-on White Lotus as we navigate the contradictions between reality and spirituality from March 7, 2023 to Feb. 13, 2026.

Three days after the equinox, metamorphic Pluto changes signs heading into Aquarius from March 23 to June 11—its first visit to this sign since 1778–1798, a cycle that brought us the Constitution and the French Revolution. Although this 20-year cycle truly kicks off on Nov. 19, 2024, we’re already seeing glimpses of Pluto’s fingerprints in this tech-savvy sign, from the obsession with all things AI to cryptocurrency. While Pluto’s goal is transformation, the mission begins with a teardown. Which outmoded beliefs, group affiliations, and social behaviors must we give up in the name of collective growth?

Change is in the air—to put it mildly—and there’s going to be an extra load to balance this spring. So, what does that mean for your sign? Here’s how you can stay centered as the stars see-saw wildly. Fear not. Equanimity is not out of reach!

Fire Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

Equinox Rebalance

When was the last time you were creative for creativity’s sake? Or just had an adventure for the pure, spontaneous hell of it? As the sun blazes into fire sign Aries, the equinox brings a special sort of spring awakening for you. Throw yourself back into a personal passion like the trailblazer you were born to be.

Saturn Discipline

When you get caught up in the shiny novelty of spring (or anything new, for that matter), an unfortunate thing can happen: you forget to consider other people’s needs. But taskmaster Saturn’s putting its foot down. If you want people to support your efforts, you also must be there for them—even if that means making an occasional sacrifice to good times.

Pluto Transformation

Outspoken fire signs are accustomed to shooting from the lip, but Pluto in Aquarius brings harsh checks to your communication style. It doesn’t matter how passionate, pissed off, or powered up you feel in the moment. Find ways to express yourself without starting a war of words. This spring, you get great results when you say less and listen more.

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Equinox Rebalance

You’re the busiest bee in the hive, but when was the last time you stopped to get in touch with your feelings? Earth signs indulge in their own spring thaw as the equinox brings you back into your deeper emotions. Melt away stress with a spa treatments, décor refreshes, and bonding with your people. A happy byproduct? Relaxing makes you look and feel sexier!

Saturn Discipline

Who are your favorite people? Maybe you’ve been liberal with the “ILYs” and the words are ringing hollow. (Like, have you known each other for more than a week?) Or maybe you’ve been judging a book too much by its cover. Whatever the case, tighten up the radius of your inner circle—but not so much that worthy candidates can’t get in!

Pluto Transformation

Pragmatic earth signs love anything that can be measured and counted, like, say, your Instagram followers or money in the bank. Lucky you! Wealth-agent Pluto assists this spring, which could bring important career and financial shifts. But check your mindset! Are you addicted to struggling, or conversely, too hung up on status? Remember that your true value lies in your character, not what you earn or do.

Air Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Equinox Rebalance

Burst out of that cocoon and reclaim your role as the monarch of all social butterflies. The equinox refreshes your outgoing nature and incentivizes you to circulate among new groups. Take the initiative to set up coffee dates (and date-dates) with people who intrigue you. Mix up your go-to venues with some new spots, especially if there are fresh faces there.

Saturn Discipline

Life is expensive; annoyingly so. But perhaps your tastes have crept up a few price points, too? With Saturn casting its discerning eyes on your finances, a breezy attitude about money could come around to bite you. But on the bright side, you’re poised to increase your income with some dedicated effort. Try not to burn it as fast as you earn it.

Pluto Transformation

People-centric air signs know how to “take one for the team,” but at what cost? You can get swept up in groupthink or lose sight of your own compass. As Pluto blows into fellow air sign Aquarius, it serves you a notice: stop catering to others at the expense of yourself. The best thing you can do this spring is cultivate your independent perspective, then vocalize it!

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Equinox Rebalance

During the cozy winter months, motivation and productivity can ebb. But this March, hop on the “equinox elevator” and pull yourself back into the game! The first day of spring sends your attention back to your work and wellness. Struggling to get going? Start small. Clean your apartment, take a yoga class, or set up a meeting to discuss a project.

Saturn Discipline

Security is important, but are you missing out on life’s juiciest offerings by refusing to take a chance? We’re not talking about hurling yourself into the abyss. But a calculated risk? That could get your life moving in an exciting direction. Travel, study, or working as an independent contractor may factor into the equation. Stay open to “what else” is out there. You may have overlooked something (or someone) obvious.

Pluto Transformation

Sensitive water signs are about to get a Mensa-level master class in emotional intelligence. As profound Pluto submerges itself in Aquarius, track the connection between your thoughts and your feelings. You can’t bypass pain with “positive thinking.” But you can tap into a rich vein of healing and empowerment by taking your fears and turning them into curiosity. Teachable moments ahead!


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