Thursday, March 27, 2025
Weird Stuff

Rare moment tarantula releases oozing sac with 1,700 offspring –

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This is the incredible moment a tarantula releases a slimy egg sac filled with 1,700 offspring.
The enormous spider secretes her eggs into a silky web cushion, suspended in a hole in the ground.
This web netting is then wrapped around the eggs by the loving mum, who will incubate them as they begin to grow.
As well as providing heat and comfort, the webbing should protect the spider eggs from predators such as centipedes and other insects.
But the netting will not provide enough protection on its own, and the mother tarantula will have to fiercely guard her children for the next two months.
This should deter predatory insects hoping to lay their own eggs in the spider’s sac, so that their larvae can devour the young spiders when they hatch.
Tiny spider hatchlings will eventually emerge from the silk, and begin travelling to new habitats which they can dominate, before having their own offspring.
Tarantulas are generally found in the US, Mexico and South America.
Their large size and distinctive appearance, as well as the ability of some to inflict venemous bites, has made them notorious around the world.
Marita Lorbiecke, host of the YouTube channel ‘Deadly Tarantula Girl’, shared the shocking footage.
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She said: ‘This Nhandu chromatus Brazilian Red and White tarantula hatched in 2013 – her name is Misty, and she is five years old.
‘I have been breeding tarantulas since the 1990s and have seen many successful egg sacs hatch but none with these numbers.
‘This egg sac opening was truly incredible – I was astounded and overjoyed at the results.’
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