Tuesday, October 1, 2024

It took years to develop, but this founder finally created a perfect morning routine

In our CEO wellness series, we ask executives about their day-to-day habits to gain insight into the tactics they use to minimize stress and maintain their well-being.

Varshil Patel is the co-founder and CEO of Therapy Notebooks, which helps people learn and use evidence-based mental health tools through guided notebooks. Prior to Therapy Notebooks, Varshil led product teams at Flatiron Health and Fundera.  

Coffee or tea? And what do you put in it?
Definitely coffee, usually with some oat milk. However, my mom was an Ayurvedic doctor in India and she convinced me to pause in the morning before brewing a cup. So now, I wait an hour before having coffee in the morning and start my day with lemon water first thing. This way, my stomach gets some prep before my coffee ritual (you know, coffee can be a bit tough on an empty stomach) plus, I get to properly hydrate at the beginning of the day. 

What is your go-to breakfast?
Oatmeal. Sometimes warm oatmeal that I make in the morning, but usually overnight oats that I prepare the night before—my favorite toppings are bananas, berries, almonds, and peanut butter. 

Tell us about your workout routine.
I work out five days a week and my workouts are a mix of easy runs, hard runs, and strength training. My key to exercising consistently has been working out with friends at least twice a week. It’s this great mix of accountability and fun: I commit to seeing that friend over a workout and enjoy myself way more, too. For my weekly speed workout, I actually go to Brooklyn Track Club on Tuesday evenings and run with 50 to 100 people. 

How many hours do you sleep on a typical night? 
I learned (the hard way) that sleep is critical to my overall well-being, so I’ve been trying to get better at having a consistent sleep routine and aim to get seven hours a night. I’m still a work in progress on that front. 

How do you de-stress?
My go-to tools for combating stress are stillness, movement, and connection. I start my mornings with alone time, which includes at least 15 minutes of writing. Then my partner and I go for a walk around the neighborhood to catch up with each other and reconnect. This morning routine has taken years to develop and has really improved my ability to manage stress on a daily basis. I also lean on these tools when I’m overwhelmed: I’ll go for a quick run, head to a nearby cafe with a journal, or talk to a loved one. I feel especially grateful to have a community of friends who live nearby that I can lean on—their care and support grounds me in difficult times. 

According to your phone, what’s your daily average screen time from last week?
3 hours 32 minutes. 

What app do you use the most?
Instagram. I’m usually watching some combination of cooking, tennis, and running content (mixed in with memes, of course). 

When’s the last time you took a day off? What did you do?
About a month ago, my partner and I drove from Brooklyn to the Hudson Valley for a 3-day getaway. It’s become an annual tradition for us every winter. We don’t usually make specific plans or reservations. We choose one of the Hudson Valley towns to explore and let the days unravel naturally from there. Our favorite spot this past trip was Lagusta’s Luscious cafe in New Paltz—great coffee and food, plus a perfect nook to spend the afternoon reading and chatting. 

What’s one thing your company is doing to prioritize employee wellness?

At Therapy Notebooks, we believe in human-first collaboration. This means embracing compassion in our day-to-day interactions to encourage openness, vulnerability, and authenticity at work. I think there’s great power in the ability to feel like you can mess up—and that it’s okay. You can have a tough day and you can be honest with your teammates, building a collective sense of safety—and feeling psychologically safe is fundamental to enduring well-being at work. 

What’s your favorite treat?
Cookie dough, especially from Eat Pastry. (I have a huge sweet tooth!)

Show us a photo of your happy place. 

Courtesy of Varshil Patel


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