Sunday, March 23, 2025
Weird Stuff

'I came home to find my neighbour had screwed my gate shut – I'm fuming' – The Mirror

One neighbour was gobsmacked after coming home to find his neighbour had screwed his gate shut so he couldn’t get through – and he ended up having to kick it down
Not everyone can get on with their next door neighbours, but most people can at least be civil, if they can't be friends. But any hope of remaining amicable disappeared in one neighbourhood when a man decided to screw his next door neighbour's gate shut.
The man, who was understandably fuming, took to Reddit to show a picture of the gate, which had been screwed shut so he couldn't use it. He revealed he was left unable to enter his house through the back garden, which was the only way for him to access it.
The anonymous forum user wrote: "Came home to find that my neighbour screwed my gate shut. I kicked my own fence down to enter because wtf. It's not even his property."
According to the man, his neighbour doesn't like the fact that he goes through the gate, but he has no choice. In the comment section he wrote: "He doesn't like when my room mates and I walk through that gate. The crazy thing is, it's not even his property. It opens into an apartments shared lawn. But it's the only entry way to the back of my residence."
In the comment section, many could understand how infuriated the man must be, and came with their own suggestions. One person said: "Contact local police dept, request an officer come by to file a report, contact an attorney and get a legal opinion for damages."
Another suggested: "Write a letter to everyone on your street that there have been trespassers vandalising your property so you are installing cameras, and if anybody has info on who screwed your gate shut there is a reward for help charging felony trespassing."
While a third added: "Make sure there are no cameras or witnesses and screw closed his front and back door, maybe install padlocks."
A fourth simply said: "I'm assuming that person is a 'neighbour from hell' type because that's just petty."
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