Thursday, March 27, 2025
Weird Stuff

'Monster' sea creature with human-like teeth found in deep sea – and everyone's terrified – The Mirror

Roman Fedortsov, a trawler in Russia, has devoted his career to searching for unknown and undocumented creatures and shares on his Instagram pictures of frightening fish
A deep-sea fisherman has discovered a bizarre-looking fish with human-like teeth – and Instagram users are comparing it to a "monster".
Roman Fedortsov, a trawler in Murmansk, Northwest Russia, devoted his career to searching for unknown and undocumented creatures. He spends months of his life at sea, sharing snaps of frightening fish with his 650,000 followers on Instagram (@rfedortsov_official_account ).
His latest catch is just as baffling as usual, with a picture showing a huge, black and grey spotted fish with large fins, and what appears to be multiple massive teeth, including molars, in its mouth.
Roman identified it as a type of wolf eel, sharing the creepy video with his followers, where it garnered 198,000 views and 7,800 likes, as well as thousands of comments.
In the clip, the eel can be seen lying flat, before Roman opens up its mouth, and shows off the fish’s crowded jaw. The post was captioned: “You can never have too many teeth. Especially the toothy teeth!”
One Instagram user commented: “Smile, Darling! You’re on candid camera! Magnificent creature!” Another added: “Wolf eels like to eat hard-shelled animals like crabs and clams and are not exactly as ferocious as they look, they apparently also mate for life. They only seem to bite if you bother them.”
A third wrote: “First glance I thought it was a mutant seal… Bro, the stuff that you pull up from the deep is absolutely unbelievable,” said Todd.
“(screams) (faints) (thud),” joked a further Instagram user. One other user added: "This fish taste very good. Even if it looks like monster." Another commented: "Looks like 4 rows of dog teeth."
Wolf eels can live for up to 20 years and can grow up to 2.4 metres long. They live in the cold waters of the North Pacific Ocean, from California to the Sea of Japan, down to around 200 metres underwater.
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