Friday, March 21, 2025
Weird Stuff

Portland: Woman finds owl in frothy morning coffee –

A woman was left owling with laughter after discovering a bird of prey in her morning coffee.
Amber Porter was making her usual frothy pick-me-up when she looked down to find an owl peering back from the rim of her mug.
She stared at the coffee for a few more minutes and began to see the shape of a seal.
But after sharing it with friends, and having a few hoots, they settled on an owl.
‘An owl comes to mind but I sort of see a seal too in my mug with espresso and steamed milk,’ Amber from Portland, Oregon, said.
‘The creature needs a few more sips to wake up I guess.’
Amber uploaded the snap to social media and it got everybody talking.
Tracy Rush said: ‘Yep, definitely looks like an owl.’
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One added: ‘Definitely Hedwig.’
Lizzie Ann said: ‘I thought that was a real bird about to be put in boiling soup.
Shannon Webb said: ‘I immediately thought that looks like a barn owl.’
But Hayley Stephen said: ‘I see a sloth face on a long necked animal.’
Whatever people think, this owl face joins a lineage of animals and well known faces who have been spotted in unusual places across the world.
Over the last year this includes Boris Johnson in a chicken korma, Elvis in a pot of McDonald’s ketchup, Shakespeare in a lightbulb, the late Queen in a cloud, John Lennon in a pint glass, and Shrek in both a tub of ice cream AND a curry.
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To top this off one of the most convincing cases this year is a woman who spotted a baby seal in her Sunday dinner.
But who could forget our very own Metro exclusive – a slab of bacon which could have easily leapt out of the grill and started singing As It Was.
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