Sunday, June 30, 2024

61 Christmas Breakfast Ideas for an Extra-Festive Morning

So you went big on Christmas Eve and have a full Christmas dinner feast lined up too. You still need Christmas breakfast ideas—that’s why they call it a holiday season, not just a holiday.

Christmas morning breakfast can be all about nostalgia: The aroma of cinnamon buns or French toast fits right in with cozy pajamas, Christmas music, and a dusting of snow. But chances are, no one will mind if you add something new to the tradition.

We’re not saying you need to break out the tablecloth and fancy glassware, or the sous vide machine (unless that’s what you got for Christmas and you want to take it on a test run). A holiday breakfast can still be an easy breakfast—but while everyone’s opening presents, why not whip up a coffee cake or an egg casserole? Our best Christmas breakfast ideas will guide you toward the kind of holiday morning you want to have, whether that’s quiet and low-key or a high-spirited frenzy.


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