Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Weird Stuff

Top 10 weird and bizarre news stories of 2013 – Metro.co.uk

Metro runs through the weirdest stories of 2013 – including a shocked homeowner uncovering a Monopoly board under his carpet and a hamster coming back from the dead.
10. Man deported for being ‘too handsome’
Male model Omar Borkan Al Gala became famous around the world when he was deported from Saudi Arabia for being too handsome.
The dreamy Dubai photographer was reportedly told to leave the oil-rich country by delegates who feared he might corrupt impressionable women.
9. Drunk pig
The headline says it all: ‘Feral pig drinks 18 cans of beer, fights cow and then passes out drunk under tree.’
Tragically, the pig named ‘Swino’, was killed in a car accident less than a month after his infamous drunken escapades. #RIPSwino
8. Bras are useless
In April, a French scientist rocked the underwear industry by declaring bras are useless.
Diligent Jean-Denis Rouillon spent 16 years studying hundreds of women’s breasts but said further research could be needed.
7. Sneezy
Fun-loving squirrel Sneezy is absolutely nuts about trying on hats and his love for dressing up turned him into an internet star.
The rodent struck up a bond with student Mary Krupa after the pair shared a bag of nuts.
6. Secret dungeon
A curious tenant was left a little freaked out when he discovered a secret ‘dungeon’ in his new studio apartment just a day after moving in.
Read the full story here.  
5. McDonald’s high chair
It started with a quiet drink and and ended with police being called to free a grown man from a baby’s high chair in a McDonald’s in Ireland.
‘We recommend that children don’t use the high-chair without adult supervision,’ joked a spokesman for the fast-food giant.
4. Hamster comes ‘back from the dead’
A family in Gloucester were left stunned when a hamster came back from the grave after being buried in the garden on Good Friday.
3. Brighton vortex
A concerned resident in Brighton sparked concern when he apparently discovered a ‘vortex to another dimension, complete with giant snake’ on a residential street.
It was not clear if he had taken any mind-bending drugs.
2. Mystery Monopoly
A home renovator got a pleasant surprise when he uncovered a giant Monopoly board underneath his old carpet.
1. Hairy stockings
Hairy stockings designed to deflect unwanted male attention became an unexpected hit in China over the summer.
The ‘weird’ story sparked a serious media debate about the merits of wearing the unusual clothing item in public.
MORE: Top 10 weird news stories of 2012
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