Friday, March 21, 2025
Weird Stuff

Only those with super 'eye power' can spot boy camouflaged in optical illusion – The Mirror

A new optical illusion has left people scratching their heads as they struggle to find the little boy camouflaged in the autumnal scene – can you spot him within the time limit?
Looking for the hidden boy in this brain teaser has left people scratching their heads.
Optical illusions are tricky puzzles that require you to look at images in unique ways and think outside the box to find hidden objects that the untrained eye normally would glance right over. They can help you boost your perception skills and they're a great way to give your brain a five-minute workout while you're eating your breakfast or you're on your lunch break.
And this deviously difficult puzzle has left people baffled, as they can't seem to find the little boy hiding in the autumnal scene within the six-second time limit – do you think you could do it?
Take a close look at the picture above. It shows a large bin filled with autumn leaves, which is sitting on a large patch of grass where other fallen leaves that have not yet been picked up can be seen all over the ground. But somewhere in the picture, a little boy is lurking.
Your first thought might be that it's quite obvious where he is – after all, there's a child standing in the middle of the picture. However, that appears to be a little girl – although her head is cut off by the top of the image – and so isn't the person you're looking for. Take another look and try to think of where else the boy could be hiding.
According to Jagran Josh, you should be able to find the boy within six seconds if you have "high eye power", as they explained those with the "highest visual skills" would have no problems finding the hidden child. Have you spotted him yet? Don't worry if it takes you longer than the time limit, you should still keep hunting until you find him, as it will help you work out more complex puzzles in the future.
Got him now? We're about to give you the answer, so if you're still looking, don't scroll any further!
The boy was hiding in the leaves in the bin, with only a small portion of his blonde hair sticking up above the leaves. Let's hope he moves before the bin gets emptied!
Did you manage to find him? Let us know in the comments. And if that one was too easy for you, why not try some of our other puzzles? Only those with a "genius level IQ" can solve this shopping puzzle, while attempting to spot the strawberry among the watermelons in this brain teaser isn't as easy as it looks.
If you're up for something a little more tricky, you can try to spot the animal within the zig-zag image, or you can see whether you have a 'highly intelligent mind' by working out the next number in the baffling maths sequence.
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