Thursday, July 4, 2024
Weird Stuff

Aliens will use 'telekinesis' and 'gravity bending' to take Earth, AI warns – Daily Star

Aliens from beyond the stars could wipe out civilisation on Earth using teleportation, telekinesis and weaponry that would render our traditional defences completely useless, an AI chatbot has warned
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Aliens could use their technologically advanced powers, including "gravity bending" manipulation and weapons which make our defences "obsolete" to wreak havoc on Earth, according to an AI chatbot.
Google's AI Bard reckons teleportation woes, high-power lasers and the ability to manipulate life itself may prove troublesome should the world find itself facing off against invaders from outer space. The software has run through a list of menacing abilities these aliens could have.
Given that we have no defence against manipulative terror robots or nanotechnology beyond our research, it looks like alien invaders may have the upper hand.
READ MORE: Earth can fight aliens with 'catastrophic' cancer injections, nanobots and 'extreme temps'
For the latest news and updates on aliens in outer space, and how to fend them off, click here.
Bard told the Daily Star: "Aliens might be able to bend gravity, teleport across vast distances, or even create wormholes for instantaneous travel. Imagine an attack where entire cities could be warped into oblivion or enemy forces materialized out of thin air."
They may also be equipped with "weapons that reshape landscapes, disintegrate targets at a molecular level, or harness raw stellar energy for devastating blasts." The doom does not stop there, with "sophisticated biotech" likely in the arsenal of advanced civilisations.
The AI chatbot added "manipulating organic lifeforms or even controlling our minds through neural interfaces" would be easy enough for the little green men. It would also mean dealing with "mental manipulation or devastating pre-emptive strikes based on foreseen vulnerabilities."
If their powers of land manipulation were not bad enough, conventional warfare would be useless as we could face "hyperspace warfare", with aliens able to "unleash unimaginable destructive power, rendering traditional defences obsolete."
And as if artificial intelligence could not get any scarier, the aliens may plan to adapt it into their own plans for warfare. Google Bard claimed: "Swarms of self-replicating machines could dismantle anything in their path, from infrastructure to living beings.
"Sentient machines with superior tactical and strategic capabilities could orchestrate devastating campaigns, leaving us little room for countermeasures."
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