Sunday, October 6, 2024
Weird Stuff

Mum-to-be 'instantly panics' after awkward realisation about chosen baby name – The Mirror

One woman was left in a predicament after realising she may have copied a baby name from one of her relatives – and believes it could cause ‘issues within the family’
Many things in life can leave us feeling stressed and for one pregnant woman that included not knowing what to call her unborn child.
She scrolled online for ideas and asked friends to help her decide on a baby name – but was still stumped for inspiration. Finding the right one was meant to feel like a weight off her shoulders but unfortunately, she'd had the complete opposite experience. The woman was left in a state of panic after realising she may have copied a name from one of her relatives – a week before she was due to give birth.
The unnamed woman revealed she had 'fallen in love' with two names in particular and although it sounded familiar to her, she quickly shut down the thoughts in her head. However, she later learned that those names belonged to her nieces.
Taking to Reddit, she said: "I'm due with my first baby next week (so realistically any day now) and we still haven't fully settled on a name for her. I am heavily leaning towards the name Eira (sounds like ay-ra) because of family roots and it is easy to pronounce in Japan (where we currently live). I love the associations the name has with snow (considering she will be a Feb baby) and I had really wanted a name related to the sky or water. The name itself feels perfect to me except for one potential problem…"
She added: "I have a sister-in-law who lives in America and has two children of her own who, honestly, we don't have the greatest of contact with. I don't want to go into details but in short it isn't because of anything strained in the relationship. We get along fine when we can actually meet in person but this is incredibly infrequent (once every few years) and is entirely on us flying over to see her. I would like this to change, but there are no signs it will. My niece (who I have only ever met twice) is named Ava (sounds like ay-va)."
"At first I didn't really even consider an issue until I was reading the list of our maybe names out loud and my brain just went "hmm, Eira and Ava kind of sound similar??". I ran it by my partner who also hadn't even considered this before and now we are a little panicked thinking our SIL might take offense, our niece might be sad, and that it might cause issues within the family having cousins with "similar sounding" names."
Unsure of what to do, the woman sought advice online and asked people if she should consider choosing another name for her baby. She isn't as close to her cousin as she would like and feels the situation could cause a rift between them. Social media users were quick to share their opinions on the matter, with some saying the names she had chosen and the ones that belong to her nieces 'don't sound similar at all.'
One person said: "I don't consider the two names to be similar at all. Besides, they aren't even living in the same country, anyway." Another person added: "I wouldn't worry for a hot second. They sound different, it's not anyone who you're close to or living near. Also, just my personal opinion, I don't think it's a problem at all to use the same name as a more distant relative's kid or even a friend's kid, especially if it's a super popular name."
A third person chimed in: "Completely different names, from look, vibe, down to meaning. I like Ava, but Eira is one of my favourite ever names. It's so beautiful."
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