Saturday, March 22, 2025
Weird Stuff

Inside creepy abandoned home filled with coffins and skeletons – with clothes left behind – The Mirror

A urban explorer based in the UK has offered a sneak peek at a creepy ‘horror house’ that has been abandoned since the 1990s – with flesh, skin and bones seen hanging from the ceiling
The inside of an abandoned home has been revealed to be filled with coffins and unidentifiable skeletons the owner is alleged to have slept with.
Images from the farmhouse in South Wales shows the mysterious home of a hoarder jam-packed with very personal effects including a bin bag full of old cans, beds piled high with junk, even a wardrobe still filled with hung up clothes. But the scariest part is the multiple coffins and skeletons inexplicably left in the home after the owner is said to have dismembered the bodies with chainsaws and bleach.
One coffin appears to be filled with the corpse of a dog, while there is a pot on the stove with a skull in it. Sadly, according to locals, this was once a family farm, but after the farming couple passed away, they left their property to their close relative who quickly became overwhelmed by the responsibility. She allegedly began taking disposal of animal corpses into her own hands.
The home quickly became unlivable as items piled up. Eventually, she was forced to abandon her family home, leaving behind coffins filled with corpses, multiple farm animal skeletons and hundreds of bleached animal bones. These terrifying images were captured by Urban Explorer Daniel Sims (35) known online as Bearded Reality from Huddersfield, Yorkshire.
Daniel captured the creepy corpse home in South Wales, UK on his Samsung Galaxy s21 Ultra. “I heard about an abandoned place containing all kinds of gruesome finds so I decided to track it down,” said Daniel.
“The farm was once owned by a couple who passed away leaving the house and surrounding farm in the hands of their relative. She couldn't keep up with the farm so to avoid trouble with the welfare she would hide the bodies of the animals in her house using all sorts of ways to dispose of the bodies.
“The lady also struggled to part with her deceased pets so she kept them in the house with her and slept with the coffins under her bed. Once living conditions became so dire, she fled the property leaving the bodies and coffins behind.
“I knew kind of what I was expecting coming to the property but had heard the place had now been cleared out, however, this was just a rumor as we were quick to discover, and was honestly horrified when we saw what was left there. The outside of the property looks like your nice typical farmhouse so you would never expect what kind of horrors are inside and I suppose that's why no one did suspect anything.
“Inside is a different story. Firstly the house is truly hoarded and full of rubbish and then as you go around you start to notice that something is off. When you enter the kitchen you are met with your first coffin, various tools and a head in a cooking pot. You go into the connected building and the true horror of the situation is realized with stacked bodies of sheep and piles and piles of bone, loads bleached everywhere.
“You see the chainsaws and various chemicals and battery acid and realise what was happening in this part of the house. Lamb remains in fridges and still decomposing bodies in the yellow tubs which smell awful, something I wish to never smell again. Heading upstairs you are then met with a deceased cat in a tub which again is stomach churning and the main bedroom containing more coffins with the dog remains still inside.
“Surprisingly the cleanest room in the house was the bathroom. We were definitely on our toes as we didn't want to be caught in a random house full of dead bodies and coffins.”
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