Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Weird Stuff

'Bible prophecy is coming true' as claims billionaires build huge underground bunkers – Daily Star

Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg is the latest billionaire to build a bomb-proof bunker as podcaster Christina Randall claimed some of the world’s richest appear to be fulfilling a Biblical prophecy
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Some of the richest men on Earth are building doomsday bunkers in a move that was predicted in the last and most dramatic book of the Bible, according to a leading podcaster.
It has recently emerged that Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg, currently ranked fourth on the Forbes billionaires list, has spent $187million on a 1,600-acre patch of land in Hawaii. He’s now reportedly building a luxury ranch, incorporating a 5,000-square-foot underground bunker, complete with its own energy and food supplies.
The bunker beneath Zuckerberg’s Koolau Ranch is expected to feature a giant metal door filled with concrete, a feature typical of nuclear bomb shelters.
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Podcaster Christina Randall claims that Zuckerberg’s bunker is just the latest of around 15 doomsday shelters being built by billionaires around the globe.
“It is definitely very interesting that they’re choosing to build something that sounds like it could be fully self-sustaining, especially if something catastrophic happened to the world and it was no longer habitable,” she said.
“Why not just build a regular old mansion or some kind of commercial facility that could generate Zuckerberg even more money?"
She stressed: “This building is definitely not cheap, it is estimated to cost over $270 million and it looks like this is going to be the largest private personal construction project in human history. We're talking about over a quarter of a billion dollars.”
She pointed out that a lot of the wealthiest people in the world are starting similar projects. She added that it’s no coincidence that Hawaii was the site of a terrifying nuclear false alarm in 2018 when all television, radio, and mobile networks were interrupted to warn locals of an incoming North Korean missile. The alert ended with the statement "This is not a drill”.
For over half an hour, until a clarification was issued, the islands were in complete panic.
“There were people that that were putting their children in holes and they didn't know what to do,” Christina said.
“And then there were some people that got their lawn chairs and just sat out front because they thought 'how can we hide from this?'”
With the threat of nuclear war higher than it has been in decades, and with climate change fuelling even more regional and global conflicts, humanity is experiencing a “moment of historic danger,” according to the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, with their Doomsday clock standing at just 90 seconds to Midnight.
"Zuckerberg is not the only one spending millions on what appears to be a way out of it if the world ends," Christina added.
"Jeff Bezos spent $147 million when he bought two mansions on Indian Creek Island in Florida. The smaller Hawaiian island of Lanai, which is off the coast of Maui is now almost completely owned by billionaire Larry Ellison. New Zealand which is definitely considered to be an ideal place to wait out the apocalypse is now full of bunkers for tech elitists."
She even cited the Biblical Book of Revelation, which predicts the end of the world.
“Revelation 6:15 says that the kings of the Earth, the princes, the generals, the rich, the mighty and every slave and every free man hid in caves and among the rocks of the mountains," she said.
"They called to the mountains and the rocks ‘fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the Lamb.
“A lot of people believe that these billionaires building these giant bunkers is a sign."
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