Friday, March 28, 2025
Weird Stuff

Bizarre story of how a 'time traveller' claiming he was from 1932 went to 2050 – The Mirror

While the world eagerly awaits the launch of a fully-functioning time machine, a Ukrainian man claims to have already mastered the art of transporting himself through history
We've all dreamed of owning our own time machine, with the fantasy of travelling back in time to see the dinosaurs or thousands of years into the future to fly a car around the sky, but there's one man who claims to have already reached this feat.
Over the years, we've seen loads of people say they've bounced back and forth through the ages. However, most of their stories are easily debunked and none have quite as interesting a tale as Sergei Ponomarenko. Back in 2006, the world stood still as the Ukrainian man turned up in the capital of Kyiv, claiming to authorities that he was from 1932. And while many would instantly assume he was either insane or lying, he actually had a pretty compelling case.
Wearing a dated outfit and an old-fashioned camera around his neck, he undeniably looked like he was from the year he claimed. But the most convincing element of the whole thing was that he carried a Soviet document from the 1950s, which he claimed showed he was 25.
At this point, heads began to turn; however, many still scoffed at his version of events. But everything changed when Ponomarenko whipped out his camera, claiming he'd taken pictures in the 1950s. Remarkably, upon developing the pictures, authorities confirmed that the images were indeed from this period and showed him with an unnamed woman as well as an image the photographer alleged was a UFO. Supposedly, upon taking the snap, he was transported into the future.
Things kept getting weirder when authorities looked back through the vaults and discovered that a man by the same name had gone missing in 1958. Puzzled by the story, they tracked down his girlfriend, who was in her 70s at the time, and worryingly, she was the woman from the photos. She said that her boyfriend disappeared for a few days before returning and later vanishing again in the 70s. She also possessed a photo of him as an older man supposedly from the year 2050.
After speaking to a doctor, it looked like his story may actually be true, especially when he disappeared in the middle of the night without a trace. According to the genius of Albert Einstein, in theory, what he alleged took place, is theoretically possible. However, a YouTuber has researched the case more extensively than anyone. And he's convinced that he's spotted a hole in the tale. But has he really cracked the case?
Joe Scott says that the pictures were taken from a Ukrainian TV show called, Aliens, which discusses the possibility of extraterrestrial life and that the picture from the 70s has photoshopped architecture and even features the Empire State Building. However, he couldn't find any details on crime reports or doctor interviews, leaving the mystery still open to interpretation.
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