Thursday, March 13, 2025
Weird Stuff

'Creepy' UK landlords banning Brits from having sex in bizarre tenancy agreements – Daily Star

Just when you thought some of the country’s landlords couldn’t get any worse, it has been reported that some are asking tenants to sign agreements which include a no-sex-clause
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UK landlords are reportedly banning Brits from having sex in their own homes.
In bizarre tenancy agreements, which are being signed by those living in the country’s capitals, it has been claimed that landlords aren’t allowing tenants to have sex.
According to VICE, some tenants have found no-sex clauses included in their tenancy agreements whilst others have said it is “expressed overtly” and at other times, disguised as a ban on overnight guests.
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VICE spoke with a 23-year-old, who after moving into shared accommodation with three others, began to notice signs in the communal areas. The signs not only banned “loud sex”, but music after 11 pm and house parties.
The 23-year-old, who VICE called Lucy to protect her identity, said it was funny at first.
She said: “I thought how are they even going to police that?’ But the landlord does inspections himself and he actually mentions it when he visits. We’re all girls and he starts lecturing us about ‘youths of today’ being hyper-sexual, and telling us to save ourselves for marriage.
“This room was a steal and it's so hard to find a place these days. It’s creepy but it’s just something I’m going to have to put up with.”
Similarly, VICE reported another issue, with Chris, 24, who rents an attic room in London with two other flatmates, siblings who also happen to be his live-in landlords.
He said: “Their parents frequently visit, and about four months into living here, their mum overheard me having sex with my girlfriend and complained about it to them.”
After a note was slipped under his bedroom door, asking him not to have sex in the house or alternative no overnight guests, Chris confronted the others in his shared kitchen.
Unfortunately, there was little Chris could do because it was sewed into his tenancy agreement.
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