Sunday, March 23, 2025
Weird Stuff

Mercury in retrograde: Everyone is 'on edge' right now with worse to come amid eclipse 'chaos' – The Mirror

Leading astrologers have weighed in on what the current Mercury Retrograde means – and explained why people may be feeling on edge and vulnerable while the planets cause chaos
Whether you believe in Mercury Retrograde or not – you can't deny everyone has been feeling a little on edge.
Astrologers have warned that the first retrograde of the year, which started on April 1, and will last until April 25, could lead to an "identity crisis". So if you're feeling a bit off, you can blame it on the planets this month – bringing a sense of vulnerability and crisis as people start to question who they are.
Scientifically, Mercury Retrograde is an optical illusion whereby Earth overtakes the planet Mercury, making it look like the planet is travelling backwards. This energy causes chaos in humankind – which is why you may be feeling on edge.
Psychic Astrologer Rose Smith revealed the pile-up of cosmic events will add extra stress to relationships. She told Mail Online: "Everyone needs to take a breath and be extra vigilant with their communications to significant others. This eclipse season is all about self-priorities and independence versus compromise and relationship responsibilities." It could mean you take a step back from relationships and see if there are any issues, as it's the perfect time to communicate any worries.
Author and Astrologist Lisa Stardust explained that during the Mercury Retrograde, the planet moves in "slower motion" than Earth, which leads to a moment of "reflection and contemplation". According to Glamour, Lisa added: "As a result, we might feel confused about how to move forward and what path to take. It's a time to be still with our thoughts and align with our heart's passions, rather than making decisions."
Lisa also said this retrograde can also affect travel, communication and technology. It can also bring back "old flames and friends" into our lives – which may be a good or bad thing.
While many may be looking at the negatives, an astrologer who goes by the name Astrotash claimed it's not all as bad. She has advised people to "clear out the old" before welcoming in the "new season's storyline". She added that these uncomfortable moments will "propel" us to what's "already written in the stars".
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