Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Weird Stuff

Woman warned to seek medical help from her doctor after dog starts acting oddly around her – The Mirror

A dog’s strange and clingy behaviour to a woman has been flagged by Reddit users as a cause for concern, with some urging her to make an appointment to see her doctor and to take the dog’s signals as a sign something could be wrong with her health
A woman has been left worried by her dog's strange mannerisms and, after asking advice online, she's been urged to see a doctor as there could be a serious underlying health issue.
She explains how her dog's "weirdness" includes strange behaviour like never leaving her side, crying for no reason and licking at her lips non stop. After sharing her dog's new found odd antics on Reddit, the woman has been met with an unusual response as rather than worry about the dog, many people urged her to seek medical help and see a doctor.
The woman outlined her problem as she wrote on the Reddit thread 'Dog Advice': "Hello everyone I was hoping for some of you know why my dog is acting so weird. Randomly two days ago my dog started to be very weird around me only. I have a pretty big family and she is not being weird to any of them.
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"Her weirdness includes: being very clingy but flinching when I go to pet her, insisting on sitting with me but crying for no reason, acting like she wants to play but when I go to play she acts like I tried to hurt her, whenever she has access to my face she will like my lips nonstop, and a lot more sutble weird mannerisms."
She continued: "Nothing happened between me and her. Normally I am not her person so she doesn’t follow me around either. The only thing that I can think that happened is she got a hair cut but I was not involved in the process at all. If anyone has any advice or experienced this I would love to know what I can do."
In response to her post, many Reddit users urged her to go and see her doctor and see if there was potentially a medical issue at play. One person commented: "Have you been to the doctor? Dogs can sense when something is wrong health wise. That would be my number one concern in this scenario."
Another person shared similar as they posted: "Just chiming in to ask you to go see a doctor, OP. And no matter what, insist on a full workup and don't let them talk you out of it or gaslight you. Your dog is worried about you."
"This is in fact a little strange. Has your health changed or having symptoms of some sort? Dogs scent glands are off the chart. I would maybe get checked for diabetes at the very least, that may be why she licks you…. Best of luck to you and family," stressed a third.
"Check your health. I would be worried the dog is detecting something wrong with you. Any new illness? Seizures? Wounds? Pain? Heart issues?" said another worried Reddit user.
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Another added: "Definitely go get a full health panel check up. Animals are incredibly in tune with subtle changes in humans and know things that we can't explain them knowing."
Yet ome Reddit users were worried the dog's strange behaviour could in fact be a symptom of it being unwell, as one Reddit user suggested: "I'm more worried about the dog feeling well. The dog seems like it is in pain, especially since he doesn't want to be touched. Take it to the vet."
"I would also check to see if your dog is okay. I worked in the vet field and I’ve seen cases where pets got clingy before passing away," urged another.
"I think your dog is hurting or in pain. The sign you said to me is that your dog wants to be near you but is scared of you touching it. It wants help and it kissing you is it’s way of telling you. It trusts only you to tell you that it isn’t feeling good," said a third.
Dogs' powerful noses can detect viruses, bacteria and even potentially signs of cancer in a person’s body or bodily fluids, so there could be some truth in the Reddit suggestions to see a doctor due to the dog's weird behaviour. Some dogs can detect odours in a person’s breath, urine and blood, and changes in these could indicate symptoms of a health concern or potential issue.
Research has also found that canines can detect illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, narcolepsy, epilepsy, migraines, Parkinson's as well as COVID-19 and even malaria.
Do you have a story to share? Email paige.freshwater@reachplc.com.
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