Thursday, September 12, 2024
Weird Stuff

Python slithers up loo and bites bloke's balls in nightmare horror scene – The Mirror

WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC CONTENT A Thai man was left pouring with blood after a trip to the toilet ended in horror when a snake jumped up and bit his private area
A man's trip to the toilet took an unexpected turn when he encountered a snake as he sat down to do his business.
Thanat Tangtewanon from Thailand didn't know what was happening when a python leapt from inside the toilet bowl and bit his testicles, leaving the dad-of-one in excruciating pain.
With his toilet bowl soon covered in blood, Thanat took to X to explain how the bizarre incident unfolded: “Yesterday, around 10 am, I woke up and went to the bathroom as usual. Before I sit on the toilet, I always flush first to check for any unwanted surprises, and yesterday was no different.
“After flushing, I sat down, but a few moments later, I felt a sharp pain in my testicles. Something had bitten me.
“I reached down, and to my horror, I grabbed a snake by the neck, with its fangs still sunk in.”
The snake is thought to have been displaced from it's usual habitat due to the monsoon rain currently forcing it to temporarily relocate.
With the snake now in his hand, Thanat began to try and remove the vicious reptile from his toilet.
Still in agony and with blood gushing out of his private parts, he continued: “I jumped up and yanked it off immediately. At that moment, I didn’t feel the pain as much as I felt pure shock.
“I held the snake’s neck tightly, trying to pull it out of the toilet, but it was incredibly strong and wouldn’t budge.
“Panicking and furious, I spotted a toilet brush nearby and started whacking the snake as hard as I could.
“In the chaos, I forgot that I was still holding the snake, so I ended up hitting my own fingers too, but I didn’t feel any pain then.
“I kept hitting until the snake went limp, and I was finally able to pull it out.”
After then calling security to take away the dead reptile he asked a neighbour to take him to hospital to get checked out.
He wrote: “Thankfully, I’m okay now, and in case you’re wondering, my testicles are fine.
“It turned out to be a non-venomous python. I had my blood tested yesterday, and everything looked good, but I need another test today to be sure.
“I’ve got some wounds from the snake bite and from yanking it off, but nothing too serious.”
The authorities in Thailand have warned people to be wary of snakes during the monsoon season in the country.
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