Only those with 20/20 vision can solve this tricky brainteaser in under 7 seconds – Express

Summer-themed and featuring a lively market, all five pretzels can be spotted in under seven seconds only by those with the sharpest eye.
Take a go, and try and find the sneaky pretzels lurking amidst meat shops, fruits, vegetables, and other condiments.
Brainteasers are a fun way to tickle your brain and solve something typically ‘hidden in plain sight,’ as a means of acquiring ‘instant gratification’ on getting it right.
They help regain your focus and direct it at one particular task, which is also a great way to prime yourself for the next task which is much more challenging.
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This particular brainteaser by Vape Globe is easy on the eyes and is quick solve.
Reportedly, only 30 percent of people can locate all five of the baked goodies in under a minute, making it a true test for eagle-eyed puzzlers.
Creators of the puzzle further claim that it takes an average of 67 seconds to solve this summer-themed brainteaser.
Were you able to find all the pretzels?
For those who managed to find less than five of them, fret not as we’ve got the solution in the image above.
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