Sunday, March 23, 2025
Weird Stuff

Wicked Fail Sends Doll Buyers To Porn Site [Weird News & Oddities] –

Mattel’s quality assurance team had one job: Check the URL on packaging for the toy maker’s “Wicked” dolls to make sure it doesn’t take children and other users to the adult site, Wicked Pictures, which produces parody porn movies.

Instead of taking people to the official “Wicked” movie site, the URL took them to the landing page of an adult-only site with a decidedly different definition of “wicked.”
“We deeply regret this unfortunate error and are taking immediate action to remedy this,” Mattel said, advising consumers who have already purchased the dolls to discard the packaging or cover the link to the porn site.
An out-of-control Mustang sailed into to the second story of a Southern California family’s home Tuesday and fell through the ceiling, injuring four people inside the car.
Investigators say the driver of the Mustang lost control of the vehicle due to excessive speed, causing it to crash through a fence down one side of a cement drainage embankment and up the other side. The embankment acted as a ramp, sending the sports car sailing through the upper story and ceiling of the home.
“It felt like a plane crashed into our home,” Andrea Kobzeff, who lives in the extensively damaged home, told reporters.
Shoppers at a Wegmans store in Woodbridge, New Jersey, did a double-take last week when a guy led a miniature horse through the store as he went about his shopping.
Police investigated other shoppers’ “what the heck?” calls, but ultimately allowed the man and his little horse to remain in the store. Police said no crime was committed, as the horse is allowed as an emotional support animal under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
The man and his mini horse are regulars at the Wegmans and have something of a social media following. “If you want to see a service horse, go to Wegmans now,” someone posted recently on Facebook.
Four Los Angeles County, California, residents face insurance fraud and conspiracy charges after investigators tore apart their video that appeared to show bears trashing high-value automobiles, police said.
Investigators with California Department of Insurance doubted the story that more than $141,000 in damage to a Rolls-Royce and Mercedes had been caused by a bear. But they needed to disprove the bear story.
After reviewing video with a state Fish and Wildlife biologist, investigators were able to conclude the culprit was a human in a rather realistic bear costume with “meat-shredding claws.”
If you believe witnesses who claim to have seen the thing, Bigfoot is stalking the woods around Monroe, Connecticut.
The eyewitness report filed with The Bigfoot Field Research Organization, a Sasquatch was heard screaming and whooping in the suburban woods last summer. The creature howled for five or 10 minutes and did not come from bobcats, foxes, coyotes or other wildlife commonly found in western Connecticut, the person said.
“I live out west, CA to be specific, and I’m well acquainted with coyotes, bobcats, and cougars and their vocalizations. This voice had quite a bit of ‘power’ behind it and I could tell that it was carried over distance,” the person said.
Not only that. Neighborhood dogs set off a cacophony of barking and owls were silenced for at least 10 minute after the suspected Sasquatch settled down. And it’s not the first time people have reported seeing Bigfoot in Connecticut.
A ferret created by cloning recently gave birth to two offspring at the Smithsonian National Zoo, an event federal wildlife officials are calling a “groundbreaking” achievement in endangered species research and conservation.
Antonia, a cloned black-footed ferret, gave birth to two healthy kits after mating with Urchin, a 3-year-old male black-footed ferret at the National Zoo. The birth marks the first time a cloned U.S. endangered species has produced offspring.
Black-footed ferrets are the only ferret native to North America and one of the most endangered mammals in the world. The species has twice been assumed to be extinct, but was rediscovered in Wyoming in 1981 and kept alive in a U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service captive breeding program.
Antonia was one of three cloned individuals using tissue samples collected in1988 from a black-footed ferret named Willa. The other two cloned ferrets, Noreen and Elizabeth Ann, both reside at the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in Colorado.
Without a trace of a torso or limbs, a human head washed up on a Key Biscayne, Florida, beach Tuesday. Investigators think it was a man’s head, but have only “a couple of working theories” about how it came to be severed from the person’s body, Miami-Dade Police Detective Andre Martin said.
One theory is the person was killed in a slaying, but could also have been decapitated in a boating accident or by some sea creature.
A Wisconsin family is living a nightmare that seems right out of a true-crime podcast or cable TV movie.
A 45-year-old married father of three was presumed to have drowned in a kayaking accident in August, but investigators said earlier this month they’re confident he’s living in Europe with a woman from Uzbekistan he had been chatting with online.
Green County, Wisconsin, Sheriff Mark Podoll teared up at a news conference when he talked about the toll on “a family that wants their daddy back.” Podoll compared the investigation to “a puzzle that we’re putting together,” but said clues on the man’s laptop convince authorities they’re on the right track. The man had opened a new bank account and researched bow to transfer funds to foreign banks, the sheriff said.
Customs and Border Protection agents at Washington Dulles International Airport found 28 pounds of cocaine with a street value of nearly $1 million hidden inside 10 packages of hot chocolate mix that were part of a larger food shipment earlier this fall.
The courier was released from federal custody Tuesday after authorities were unable to link him to the drugs, according to CBP statement. However, his visa was canceled and, following an expedited removal order process, he left Virginia on a flight to Guatemala on Wednesday.

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