Saturday, March 22, 2025
Weird Stuff

Mirror US quiz: 20 tricky questions to test your general knowledge – The Mirror US

If you're feeling up to a challenge, then get ready to be tested with our latest batch of baffling quiz questions.
This week, you can expect to be grilled on a vast range of subjects including Forrest Gump, soccer legends and Lord of the Rings. We have searched far and wide for some baffling brainteasers just for you.
If you’re as clued up on geography and the history of world wars as you are Oscar winners and who's starring in the latest Joker film, you might do quite well in this week's general knowledge test. See how many questions you can get right in our fiendishly-fun quiz below – and no cheating!
You can also play against friends and family to find out who is the ultimate brain buff! Remember to let us know your score in the comments section below, and you have well-deserved bragging rights if you score a full house. If you can't see the quiz below – click HERE.


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