Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Weird Stuff

South Korean model gets a bit too much exposure [News of the Weird] – Reading Eagle

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to submit an obituary
For information on submitting an obituary, please contact Reading Eagle by phone at 610-371-5018, or email at obituaries@readingeagle.com or fax at 610-371-5193.
Most obituaries published in the Reading Eagle are submitted through funeral homes and cremation services, but we will accept submissions from families. Obituaries can be emailed to obituaries@readingeagle.com.
In addition to the text of the obituary, any photographs that you wish to include can be attached to this email. Please put the text of the obituary in a Word document, a Google document or in the body of the email. The Reading Eagle also requires a way to verify the death, so please include either the phone number of the funeral home or cremation service that is in charge of the deceased’s care or a photo of his/her death certificate. We also request that your full name, phone number and address are all included in this email.
All payments by families must be made with a credit card. We will send a proof of the completed obituary before we require payment. The obituary cannot run, however, until we receive payment in full.
Obituaries can be submitted for any future date, but they must be received no later than 3:00 p.m. the day prior to its running for it to be published.
Please call the obituary desk, at 610-371-5018, for information on pricing.

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Editor’s note: News of the Weird extends greetings for a peaceful and happy new year full of many notably weird moments. While you’re welcoming 2025, enjoy some of our favorite items from earlier in 2024.
South Korean model Ain, also known as Angel Box Girl, is being prosecuted for obscene exposure following incidents from last fall, Oddity Central reported. In Seoul and Gangnam, Ain walked through the streets wearing a large cardboard box with holes for her arms and legs — plus two more, which she invited strangers to put their hands in to grope her breasts and other body parts. Naturally, she attracted large crowds that police were called to disperse.
“It’s freedom of expression,” she said. “I just wanted to market myself. I actually saw many positive reactions, with people telling me they support me and applaud my courage.”
If found guilty, Ain could face a $3,800 fine or up to a year in jail.
The Lexington (Kentucky) Convention and Visitors Bureau appears to be desperate for tourists, the Associated Press reported. It is using an infrared laser to send messages toward potentially habitable planets in a solar system 40 light years away, luring extraterrestrials with “lush green countryside … (and) famous bluegrass.” Lexington native Robert Lodder, an expert in astrobiology and SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), conceived the idea, and linguistics expert Dr. Andrew Byrd consulted: “We included … the molecular structure for water, bourbon and even dopamine … because Lexington is fun!” he said. See you in 2064!
You thought you were having a bad day? On Jan. 14, as an American Airlines flight prepared to leave Phoenix for Austin, Texas, the crew was forced to turn back to the gate, the New York Post reported. No, a door didn’t fall off the fuselage. A passenger posted on Reddit that an “audibly disgruntled” man boarded and sat down, then inexplicably exclaimed, “You thought that was rude? Well, how about this smell” — and then passed gas. Then he announced, “Yeah, everybody, let’s just eat the smelliest food possible all at the same time!” A flight attendant told the flatulent man, “That’s enough,” but as the plane taxied to the runway, it stopped. The Reddit user shared: “We get back to the gate and a flight attendant comes back and informs fartman that he will not be staying on this flight.” He grabbed his bag and deplaned; the flight was delayed by only about 20 minutes.
Researchers at Western Sydney University have revealed results of a study showing that frequent nose-pickers may have a higher probability of developing Alzheimer’s disease. WION-TV reported on Feb. 7 that the habit introduces germs into the nasal cavity that trigger the brain to produce beta-amyloid as a defense. An abundance of beta-amyloid is believed to be the leading cause of Alzheimer’s.
“It is essential to note that the temporary relief obtained from nose-picking is not a substitute for proper nasal hygiene,” the report said — “proper nasal hygiene” being “regular cleaning and maintenance of the nasal passages through gentle methods such as saline nasal rinses or blowing the nose.”
Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to WeirdNewsTips@amuniversal.com.
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