Weird news: Lemur walks into woman’s house in Minden – AOL
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MINDEN, La. (KTAL/KMSS) – A lemur walks into a lady’s house and jumps on her kitchen counter. And though this sounds like a joke, it actually happened to a woman in Minden on the afternoon of Dec. 19.
“Today’s my birthday, and you need to know that before the conversation starts,” said Brandon McEachern as he spoke to KTAL about the incident.
Brandon said he thought his wife, Ashton, was playing a birthday joke on him because it was his birthday. But hilariously, the presence of a lemur in his family’s home wasn’t a joke.
“She did a videocall with me and she had a monkey in the house!” said Brandon with a laugh.
“And technically, it’s a primate and not called a monkey,” Brandon said after having just learned the difference only a few hours before.
Brandon said his wife Ashton is very particular about things in the house, and she was worried the lemur would break things. Brandon rushed home and found his wife in the kitchen, where she was attempting to feed the lemur a banana.
“She couldn’t get it to stop jumping on everything, and she’s really particular,” said a still-laughing Brandon.
The answer to the obvious question (of where the heck did the lemur come from?) was found at a nearby truck stop. Brandon asked the clerk if he knew anything about a missing monkey, and sure as the world is round, a trucker had lost his lemur when he stopped at the Pilot station.
“I don’t want to get him in trouble for having a lemur,” said Brandon when asked of the lemur’s owner. Brandon was uncertain of state laws concerning lemurs, so he stayed mute about the owner’s name.
It turns out it’s illegal in Louisiana to import, possess, purchase, or sell gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos, orangutans, gibbons, and all other nonhuman primates. But that law didn’t stop Ashton McEachern from finding the lemur in her family’s yard on Dec. 19.
The lemur has now been reunited with its owner, and Brandon McEachern has had a birthday he will not forget anytime soon.
On a side note, owning a lemur is actually legal in North Carolina.
Lemurs are also the most endangered group of mammals on planet Earth.
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