Friday, March 7, 2025
Weird Stuff

Man horrified by ominous Squid Game note pinned to his car windshield – The Mirror US

Seeing a note stuck to your car can fill you with dread.
If you've ever left your car parked in a parking lot and come back to find a piece of paper wedged under the windshield wipers, you've probably felt a moment of panic. Many drivers would immediately think it's a ticket, and if it's not, then it's some angry message from a fellow driver who's outraged by your parking.
One man had that very fear when he returned to his vehicle after a trip out and found a small piece of paper stuck to his car. But when he examined it, he found that it was more ominous than he thought – as it was inviting him to a Squid Game-themed event.
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Pictures of the note were shared on Reddit, and on one side of the paper were the famous symbols featured throughout the popular dystopian Netflix show – a circle, a triangle, and a square. On the other side of the paper was information on when the event would occur.
The card first asked the man if he "wants to join our Squid Games", before telling him where and when to meet the mystery note-leavers if he wants to take part. At the end of the note, it was declared that game winners would receive some rather lackluster prizes including "a new water bottle, chocolates, and more".
Though the message seemed like it was from a child, it put the finder on high alert – especially when armed with the knowledge of what happens to people in the TV series. In Squid Game, hundreds desperate for cash risk their lives playing deadly children's games, and if they lose, they die.
Although it's doubtful the youthful note-writers were scheming anything quite so dark as a fight to the death for a water bottle prize, the man opted out, choosing safety first. He shared: "Saw this today. Don't think I'll go."
Commenters quickly ridiculed the spooky note, with some joking they had "lost loved ones" over their own fight for a new water bottle. Others urged him to visit the location on the day just to see what was happening so that he could report back and let them know what the note was really about.
One user said: "If a kid has made this, it's actually really cute, and I hope some go."
Another added: "Go walk by the area for a look. It would be funny if a bunch of people turned up to see what was going on, and it's just a wind-up and nothing's happening, maybe filming from a window. Drop enough flyers someone will turn up."


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