Farmer hears 'human cry' coming from cave – then comes to horror realisation – The Mirror US
A Cambodian farmer found himself in a harrowing situation, trapped in a pitch-black cave for four days, with one chilling image capturing his ordeal. While UK farmers typically rely on industrially-produced fertilisers, elsewhere in the world, some still utilise traditional methods, such as bat guano.
Sum Bora, a farmer from Cambodia's north-western Battambang province, was aware that certain inaccessible caves within Chakrai Mountain housed rich deposits of this pungent fertiliser.
Podcaster Mr Ballen shared: "Other people in the area that went out harvesting bat guano wouldn't go into this cave, and the reason for that is the cave was really really narrow and tight and frankly dangerous."
However, the slender 28 year old Sum knew he could navigate spaces too constricted for many of his peers and embarked on his journey in August 2019. Guided by the faint glow of his torch, Sum noticed the cave walls ahead "moving," indicating the presence of a large bat colony and promising an abundance of guano. Tragedy struck when he stepped over a minuscule six-inch crevice, accidentally dropping his torch.
In his attempt to retrieve it, he fell and became trapped. Sum was renowned for his skill in harvesting guano and would often disappear for days on end, scouring for the most fertile deposits. His absence that night didn't immediately alarm his family, reports the Mirror.
However, unknown to them, Sum had accidentally tumbled into a slim crevice while trying to recover his dropped flashlight, becoming trapped with no means of escape. As time passed, despair grew for Sum, isolated and unable to summon help, he feared a grim fate awaited him in the cave's depths.
"He was totally wedged," recounted Mr. Ballen. "No food, no water he was going to die and he knew it." Sum later confided to local paper the Khmer Times: "I had lost hope of staying alive and if I had a knife with me I'd have committed suicide."
After three silent days, concern grew among Sum's family. A fellow guano collector, recalling Sum's mention of Chakrai Mountain, initiated a search there.
During the rescue attempt, as Sum's brother squeezed through the narrow gap, he heard a weak cry. Calling out, "Is that you, Sum? " he received a faint response but couldn't pinpoint its source.
It wasn't until he edged over the crevice himself that he saw Sum, stuck fast in the fissure, suspended above an abyss.
Sum's brother was unable to rescue him single-handedly, and it took a 10-hour operation involving approximately 200 rescuers before the distressed guano-hunter could be liberated. Sum fully recovered from his harrowing experience, but his solo guano harvesting days are now behind him.
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