'I slept with daughter's boyfriend and fell pregnant – then they got married' – The Mirror US
Everyone makes mistakes, but some are beyond redemption. This rings true for one mother who recently spilled a 16-year secret on Reddit that could shatter her relationship with her daughter and tarnish her reputation forever.
In an attempt to alleviate her guilt, the mom confessed to having slept with her daughter's ex-boyfriend after they had split up. However, her regret only deepened when her daughter eventually got back together with him, leading to marriage years later.
She divulged: "I was 38 and my daughter was 18, and she was dating Harry, who was 24. I was an alcoholic and dabbled in other drugs, mostly cocaine. I was not a good person, let alone mother. Not like I was abusive to my daughter or anything but I was generally inattentive and cared more about my alcohol and drugs than her, especially in her teen years. I am 14 years sober now.
"Anyways, I stopped seeing him after that, it was too weird. I also got sober, for like four months, before relapsing. Two years on and her daughter excitedly tell her mom all about Harry's transformation, saying he's fully sober and turned his life around. She explained how they're together again – and everything was going well with their relationship.
"I disproved of my daughter dating Harry, but I never told her why. He would flirt with me, constantly, and the age difference also creeped me out. Also, he was an alcoholic and drug user, just like me. She broke up with him over his alcoholism. Soon after she moved away, not too far but regardless she didn't live with me anymore."
Despite initially rebuffing Harry's advances, he persisted in asking her out for drinks or casual get-togethers. Eventually, she relented and agreed to meet up with him, marking the beginning of a toxic dynamic between the two. She recounted: "I turned him down, but then one day he said he had a bunch of coke and I couldn't resist. He came over, we did the coke, and we ended up having sex. He was a very good looking guy."
This pattern of behavior continued for several months, with the pair engaging in a cycle of sex, substance abuse, and intoxication. However, things took a drastic turn when she discovered she was pregnant, a consequence of having unprotected sex with Harry on multiple occasions.
Without informing him, she opted for an abortion and kept it a secret. Following this, she ceased contact with Harry, deeming the situation too intense. She also achieved a brief period of sobriety, lasting four months, before ultimately relapsing. Fast forward two years, her daughter enthusiastically shared news of Harry's remarkable transformation, revealing that he had become sober and turned his life around.
She explained that they had rekindled their relationship – and everything was progressing smoothly. However, Harry kept asking her out for drinks or to simply hang out. After rejecting him multiple times, she finally gave in and met up with him. She said: "I was mortified honestly.
"He was gonna tell her that we slept together, and she is going to hate me for life. They came over one day and said hi, and when my daughter was gone, Harry told me that there is no reason to tell her about what happened. I agreed. Its been 16 years of marriage on their part. They have a kid together. Harry got cancer, then beat it. I got sober. That's basically it.
"I don't see them very often, they live in Texas and I live on the east coast. But whenever I do there is always that tension between me and Harry, its literally the first thing that comes to either of our minds, I can just tell. Not like sexual tension, like 'Why did we have to do that? What is wrong with us? ' kind of tension. I think about this often. Especially when I see my grandson. I always think that could have been my son if things had gone differently, but wow what a disaster that would have been if I decided to keep that child."
If you are battling addiction, you can visit American Addiction Centers for resources that could help.