Saturday, October 5, 2024
Weird Stuff

Woman distraught after checking dashcam footage to catch husband in despicable act – The Mirror

A woman was left horrified when she checked her husband’s dashcam footage, only to realise that he’d committed a despicable act and had tried to cover his tracks
If you're in a healthy relationship, you'll know that you won't want to check up on them and everything they do because it feels like an invasion of their privacy. But sometimes, you'll be suspicious of something they've done, and feel like you don't have any choice in the matter but to snoop.
One woman was left mortified when her husband told her that their dog Ellie had run away whilst she was away on a short trip – but she felt there was more to the story, so when she was back, she "copied the videos" from her husband's dashcam to see whether he was telling the truth. What she discovered was way worse than she anticipated.
She took to Reddit's 'Am I the a**hole' forum to admit that she'd checked the dashcam footage and had invaded his privacy, but she thought she was justified due to her suspicions. She wrote: "I (34F) live with my husband (37M) and daughter (7F). My daughter and I recently went on a short trip out of state while my husband stayed as he had work and was supposed to look after our dog. On the last day of our trip, we got a call from my husband who was acting distraught and said that our dog Ellie had run away and that he could not find her.
"He claimed she just bolted away from him in the park, into some bushes and he could not find her. Our dog is quite small, a mini poodle mix, and almost 13 years old. She is still active but it is really unlike her to run away from us and I was suspicious but chose to believe my husband and me and my daughter were in grief but did not want to blame him."
But when she and her daughter arrived back home, "he seemed surprisingly ok", but she was still distraught. She explained: "Ever since the pandemic, my husband started working from home and he has always been annoyed at how much attention we gave Ellie and hated how Ellie begged to sit on our laps and his while he worked", so she had her suspicions still.
She continued: "A few days later we got a call from an animal rescue in a neighbouring state quite far from us that she had been found. I picked up the phone and it was on our landline which we almost never use these days but was the contact on the microchip. I told my husband and he just said 'that is great, I am so happy', but it felt kind of blunt and insincere. I said it is strange that she got so far and he responded that someone must have stolen her and then abandoned her. This made little sense to me as to why that would happen.
"When he was out drinking with his buddies, I copied the videos from his dashcam for the days I was away and saw that he had indeed taken Ellie far out of state, and clearly dropped her in front of his car thrown a frisbee-like object into a field, yelled fetch and drove off without her. I was livid and confronted him and he just stupidly muttered how he dropped her there so she could find a farm and have a better life then the next day got really angry at me for viewing his dashcam and called me and my daughter a**holes."
In the comments, people were horrified that he decided to do such a thing behind her back and that he could lie to brazenly to her, and their daughter's face. Someone fumed: "Keep your dog and daughter and leave the husband in another state to find another family he'd have a better life with."
Someone wrote: "Honestly couldn't imagine doing this to my dog, all I can think about is how confused the poor thing was when she came back and he wasn't there", and another agreed: "The original poster would only be an a**hole if she leaves him alone with that dog again. He didn't drop it at a shelter, he left a senior dog alone to starve or die of exposure. A dog who clearly loved and trusted him."
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