Sunday, July 7, 2024
Weird Stuff

What is What the What?!? Weird Florida news stories, dumb crimes and color commentary – Florida Today

What is What the What?!?
Have you ever been scrolling through a website or social media when you stop, your jaw drops and you’re like What the ….?
Yeah, me too.
And that’s the reason behind our new weekly video feature, What the What?!? To look at the stories that make us laugh, make us angry or make us think. To tell those stories in a different kind of way, maybe with a little humor. Maybe with some sarcasm and snark – languages I’m quite fluent in.
What the What?!? will be a standing feature posted at 9 p.m. Mondays. Now if you have the FLORIDA TODAY app, you’ll get a push notification when the video is published on our site and it will be in the usual places to view – and on our app.
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Now before I go any further let me say this.
Sometimes I say things and people around me laugh. Sometimes I say things and you can hear the symbolic chirp of crickets. And being funny is hard – especially when you’re trying to be. But I love sharing the news. It’s why I got into broadcasting to begin with. I love telling stories — particularly about the Space Coast community I’ve been a part of for more than two decades.
Now let’s be clear: if you’ve ever been accused of being uptight or having a stick up your nether regions, What the What?!? probably isn’t right for you.
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We’ll look at dumb crimes and questionable politics and the absurd. We’ll look at the obscure, the stupid, the laughable, the lighthearted, the puzzling – all slathered with my own brand of storytelling (Slathered — That sounds dirty.)
Contact Landers at
Twitter: @ByRobLanders
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