Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Weird Stuff

Four 'astonishing' signs your pet is 'psychic' – including strong protective move – The Mirror

Does your cat or dog always know when your upset? An expert says there are indicators that reveal pets may have psychic abilities that help them connect with us on a deeper level and even alert us to dangerous situations
If you've been amazed by how your pet always seems to know when you need some comfort and a nuzzle, it may be that they are actually revealing their psychic powers to you.
For thousands of years man lived side by side with animals, keeping them in our homes as part of the family as pets. Dogs are well known to love our company, relying on us for not only food and shelter but for the love and attention we shower on them too.
However our cats and dogs could be much more intelligent than we give them credit for, according to an expert who says there could be a much more profound connection between us and the animals we choose to share our lives with.
Psychologist Dennis Relojo-Howell spoke to Buzz Bingo about the possibility of pets having psychic powers. He said: "Pets have always been more than just animals to us. They're our companions, confidantes, and often, a source of wonder. Recent studies and anecdotes have shed light on the extraordinary abilities pets possess, suggesting a deeper, perhaps even psychic, connection between animals and humans."
He also revealed there are four main signs to look out for when it comes to your own pet. The first of these is telepathy. If you've noticed that your dog or cat seems to realise when you are feeling low or upset, you could be right and they may be using their telepathic abilities connecting their minds with ours. "It's as if they can pick up on our thoughts and emotions, responding in kind with a nuzzle or a comforting presence exactly when needed," Dennis notes.
The next indicator is clairvoyance and it may reveal itself with a change in their behaviour when there is danger present. Dennis says that many pet owners have reported their animals sensing it before it is even apparent. "This clairvoyance in pets, especially their awareness of impending threats, can be astonishing," he says. "Whether it's a natural disaster or a personal crisis, our animal companions often seem to have a sixth sense about these things, alerting us with their behaviour."
Does your cat freak you out by sitting and staring at a particular corner of the room? Or does your dog cower away from a certain area of the house? They could be demonstrating their mediumistic sensitivity or sixth sense for the supernatural. "There are countless stories of cats, dogs, and even birds reacting to presences unseen by the human eye, sometimes acting as a bridge to the ethereal world," notes Dennis.
The last sign you could have a mystic pet is more commonly shown in birds and dogs and concerns their extraordinary ability to find their owners over large distances. Dennis reveals this "remarkable" and "unexplained" skill is called psi trailing and not only shows psychic power but the deep bond and connection they have with their owners.
Have you ever noticed any of these traits in your pets? Let us know in the comments below.
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