Saturday, October 5, 2024
Weird Stuff

Locals horrified after giant rotting mass of flesh washes up on beach in Malaysia – The Mirror

The horrifying organic mass emerged from the sea on Telok Melano beach in Malaysia last Friday to the disgust of beachgoers and the bemusement of the coast guard
Locals have been left stunned after a giant mass of flesh washed up on a beach in Malaysia.
The horrifying organic mass emerged from the sea on Telok Melano beach last Friday to the disgust of beachgoers and coast guard rangers.
It is believed the lump, dubbed a “globster” are the decaying remains of a whale. This is not the first time a large fleshy mass has emerged from the sea – masses like this one are also known as “blobs” and are frequently found to be the decomposed remains of whales, sharks or octopuses.
The gigantic putrid mass is about six foot long and the only way to be sure of its origin is a DNA test. The decaying lump was found by the coast guard while patrolling the beach.
They shared a social media video of their grisly discovery which shows shocked locals peering at the foetid mass. In a post the coast guard said: “On April 5, 2024, the APM Coastal Rescue Team found the body of a whale stranded on Melano Bay Beach around 12.03p.” Members on duty found the body while conducting surveillance around the beach.”
The grisly clip has caused shock online with some viewers horrified while others felt pity for the gooey lump of flesh. “Poor thing. Unfortunate (because it's dead) but a rare find,” one viewer commented under the coast guard’s post. Another meanwhile called the blob “creepy”.
But creepy mysterious things have washed up on beaches closer to home. Experts were left baffled after the gruesome orange remains of a mystery sea beast washed up on a UK beach last winter. They washed up on a beach in Keiss, Scottish Highlands, in November 2023 where Gregg Jenkinson and his son, Tyler, were on holiday. The father and son discovered the bizarre creature and were fascinated.
Mr Jenkinson estimates that the creature was about three feet from top to tail. In his video, it has a long, orange body, stained black in places, with no obvious face or other identifying features. Looking for answers, Gregg shared the video on his DroneHub Facebook page, where he showcases his aerial photography.
"Short of an alien invasion I have no explanation to what it is," he wrote. One person commented: "I am a fisherman, and I can tell you categorically: I've no idea."
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