Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Weird Stuff

'My co-worker wants me to be her sperm donor – I'm speechless' – The Mirror

A man says he’s been left feeling ‘uncomfortable’ yet ‘strangely flattered’ after a co-worker took him aside and asked him to be her sperm donor – and part of him is considering it
When his 'sweet' colleague revealed she had something 'important' to share, a now-conflicted man naturally believed she'd wanted to discuss work.
This couldn't have been further from the truth, however, and it soon became clear there was something else on her mind entirely after they met for lunch. The woman, who he has always been friendly with revealed she was looking to become a single mum, and wanted him to be her sperm donor.
It was evident she'd been mulling over the topic for a while, having already sought legal advice about ensuring a sperm donor of her choosing wouldn't be held legally responsible for the baby. Assuring him she wouldn't expect anything from him, and that they could keep the arrangement a secret, the co-worker went on to add that they could have actual sex or keep things 'more formal', depending on his 'comfort level'
She also suggested that she could always move workplaces long before anyone noticed any familial resemblances, especially given that she's hoping to embark on a different career path. They live in different cities and so, workplace aside, they likely wouldn't end up crossing paths on a regular basis.
The divorced man, who already has kids with his ex-wife, described the intense conversation as being 'truly one of the most bizarre and unexpected things to happen to me', and initially 'felt like it was a prank or hidden camera thing'. Although he '90 per cent sure' he'll say no, he hasn't turned her down just yet – having asked for some time to think it over – and admits that a 'tiny part' of him is considering it, much to his own amazement.
Taking to Reddit, the potential sperm donor, who confesses he is quite attracted to the woman in question, wrote: "I mean, it's bizarre and was very uncomfortable, but at the same time strangely flattering. I didn't say no right away. I haven't actually told her no at all. I mean, inside I was yelling 'no way', but why didn't I actually tell her that? Maybe I just wanted my ego stroked a bit more, I don't know.
"Of course, I asked her why me. She said I'm nice, she likes me, I don't treat her like a lot of the guys we work with. She thinks I'm 'normal', healthy as far as she's aware, and she likes my physical features. But she'd want a full health history on me and my family before moving forward."
He continued: "I asked her why she didn't go to a sperm bank. She said that's what she initially planned to do when she started seriously thinking about becoming a single mother, but once she started delving into it she discovered that there are many ethical issues with sperm banks. She's been talking online with several women who have used known donors and has decided that's the way she needs to go.
"She thinks I'm a good fit because while we're friendly, we're not friends, we don't hang out with each other, we don't know each other outside of work. She feels she knows me well enough to determine she likes me and certain traits/characteristics, without having to worry about it being weird because I'm not a close friend or somebody that would be around her family or friend group at all. Plus, I'm divorced now so there no spouse or partner to have to deal with."
Many Reddit users have cautioned the man to tread carefully when making such a serious decision, with one person commenting: "It's okay to let her think you are considering it, because you are tossing around her proposal. I have one question though. What's in it for you, besides huge, huge risks?"
Addressing the emotional weight of such a choice, another said: "There are a number of reasons why this is probably a bad idea. But for me, it would simply come down to, I couldn't stand knowing I had a kid out there and not being able to be a part of their life."
Do you have a story to share? Email me at julia.banim@reachplc.com
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