Monday, March 10, 2025
Weird Stuff

Birdwatcher stunned after spotting creepy animal in bird box as people left terrified – The Mirror

A brave birdwatcher was left horrified after spotting an unwelcome guest in their bird box – and others have been left equally stunned after they posted the find to social media
A birdwatcher has been left stunned after making a terrifying find in their bird box.
Taking to Reddit, original poster Valixianan from the US shared a snap of the unwelcome guest to the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit. The picture showed a large snake wrapped around the frame of the bird house where you might normally expect to find a blue tit or robin.
"Was going to enjoy some birdwatching," they captioned the snap. Other users were quick to comment on the post, with one asking: "What did you do with the snake?". The original poster responded: "I let my grandfather know and left for work. I caught a possum this morning too so I had to relocate that and haul a** to work."
Another chimed in: "The birds are divorcing. Their lawyer does house calls."
Meanwhile a third added: "I'd say that's more interesting," to which the original poster replied: "But… the birds," followed by a sad face.
"Looks like someone else beat you to the bird watching today," said another. And another commenter even had a solution as to what the original poster could do with the snake – even if it was a little unusual.
"Dude, that thing could feed you for a week (maybe 2)," they wrote. "This is not infuriating, it’s terrifying," said another.
This snake isn't the only creature to have been discovered this month after a never-before-seen animal was discovered climbing up rock faces in Thailand. It was dubbed the Cave Kukri Snake by those who found it, the Mirror previously reported.
The beast’s terrifying fangs are thought to be part of adapting to a "harsh environment" deep within the cave structure, reptile hunters say. The amazing discovery was made after explorers climbed five stories high to gain samples.
The 'Cave Kukri Snake' or, Oligodon speleoserpens, has specially adapted strongly-ridged scales on its underbelly which allow it to “climb vertical rock faces” researchers said.
Explorer Harry Ward-Smith described the extreme lengths he went to in order to find a specimen of the bizarre creature. He told the Daily Star: "This was incredibly risky, but I had no option but to ‘free solo’ (climbing talk for no ropes). I knew the importance of this snake and was not going to let it escape us under any circumstance."
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