Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Weird Stuff

News of the Weird: Awesome! – GREENVILLE JOURNAL – Greenville Journal

Adele Hankey of Park River, North Dakota, was born on April 21, 1926. As such, she shared her birthday with Queen Elizabeth II, who passed away two weeks ago. But she shared more than the date, KFYR-TV reported. When Elizabeth was crowned in 1952, Hankey wrote her a letter — and the queen responded by sending Hankey a birthday card. “I could have jumped out of my shoes,” Hankey said of the unexpected greeting. Over the past 70 years, the two have exchanged handwritten cards every year. Hankey said she’ll miss the regular communication: “Oh, absolutely. You miss your pen pals.”
Beyond Meat COO Doug Ramsey is in the soup after a recent incident at a University of Arkansas vs. Missouri State football game, the Associated Press reported. On Sept. 17, as fans jockeyed their cars out of the parking lot following the game, Ramsey, 53, became enraged when another car made contact with his SUV’s wheel. According to police, Ramsey left his car and “punched through the back windshield” of the other car; when the driver jumped out, Ramsey “pulled him in close and started punching his body,” then “bit the owner’s nose, ripping the flesh on the tip of the nose.” Ramsey was also heard threatening to kill the other driver. He was charged with felony battery and making a terroristic threat.
On June 6, Kylynn Chambers, 32, used bright red spray paint to deface a bronze statue of the character Samantha from the 1960s TV show “Bewitched” in Salem, Massachusetts. On Sept. 20, he was sentenced to 18 months’ probation in the incident, which oddly had nothing to do with witchcraft. Rather, Chambers, who is currently homeless, told prosecutors he “wanted to do something to get arrested,” The Salem News reported. The statue was erected in 2005 by the TV Land cable channel in the city famous for the witch trials of 1692.
One morning five years ago, Cincinnati resident Joey Lykins, then 30, woke up and realized his septum (nose) ring was missing. He searched through his bed but never located the small item, and eventually he gave up and got another one, the New York Post reported. “I thought maybe I’d swallowed it,” he said. But a few weeks ago, Lykins, now 35, developed a violent cough and thought he was sick. An X-ray revealed otherwise: Lykins’ nose ring was lodged in his left lung: “The doctor … said, ‘Does this look familiar?’ I was like, ‘You’ve got to be kidding me! I’ve been looking for that!’” Lykins underwent a bronchoscopy, in which they retrieved the invader using a tube fed down his throat and into his lungs. The surgeon returned the ring to Lykins, who said he won’t be wearing it again: “I kept it as a souvenir.”
Neighbors of Mercedes New (aka Shawty Dred) in Atlanta have taken to walking in front of their building with umbrellas raised, rain or shine. Why? Because New was allegedly in the habit of strolling around on his high-rise balcony naked and urinating through the bars onto the street below. New, who sports distinctive yellow dreadlocks, was arrested on Sept. 21; neighbors shared video of him in the act with WSB-TV. But New insisted it wasn’t him: “I’m famous! I’m on TV, bruh. I didn’t do this, man. No. I’m innocent. I promise I didn’t do this.” He was held at the Fulton County jail.
Take note: In Alameda County, California, you may no longer engage in wild cow milking, CBS News reported. As of Sept. 20, the event often seen at rodeos in the area is illegal. In case you’re not a rodeo fan, wild cow milking involves two people who try to corral a loose cow and then extract milk from her udders. The event is not sanctioned by the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association. “(Animals) don’t get a chance to speak. Who speaks for them?” asked county supervisor Richard Valle, who introduced the ordinance. Another supervisor thought the state or federal government should regulate wild cow milking.
You’ve heard of Jack the Ripper and the Taco Bell Strangler (or not?). Now Gresham, Oregon, is dealing with its own serial criminal: the Gresham Lumberjack. Someone is cutting down trees along the Springwater Corridor Trail — to the tune of 750 trees since August 2021, KATU-TV reported. But they’re not poaching firewood; the Lumberjack leaves the trees where they fall. The cutting seems to happen at night and with a hand saw (likely because it’s quieter). The city has installed cameras along the trail, and police have a person of interest, but in the meantime, they’re asking for the public’s help in nabbing the culprit.
On a Sept. 21 flight from Cabo San Lucas, Mexico, to Los Angeles International airport, passengers got a ringside seat (and video!) as Alexander Tung Cuu Le of Westminster, California, lost his cool over coffee service. Shortly after takeoff, as flight attendants were serving drinks, Le approached an attendant and grabbed his shoulder while asking for coffee, KTLA-TV reported. Then Le walked to the front of the plane and sat down in a seat near first class. When a flight attendant asked him to return to his own seat, he “assumed a fighting stance toward the flight attendant by making closed fists with both hands,” according to court documents. When the attendant turned away from him, Le slugged him in the back of the head. Le then ran to the back of the plane, where passengers detained him; his hands and ankles were cuffed, and he was restrained with seatbelt extenders. If convicted of the felony charge of interfering with flight crew members and attendants, Le could face a maximum of 20 years in federal prison. All for coffee.
Our Weird readers are no doubt aware that the Harvard-Yale football game is a big deal — a longstanding rivalry. In 1982, another prestigious university inserted itself into the game, Boston.com reported, as part of another long tradition. On Nov. 20, 1982, a group of MIT students — members of Delta Kappa Epsilon, but still known as the Sudbury Four — hatched a brilliant prank. After five years of scheming and eight sneaky overnight visits to Harvard Stadium, the plan was in place: Bury a weather balloon beneath the turf, then blow it up using a vacuum cleaner motor during the game. Players stood around with hands on hips and watched as the 6-foot-diameter globe inflated, marked prominently with “MIT,” and then exploded. Harvard went on to win, 45-7.
Noise complaints are way down at a restaurant in Singapore after it implemented a “screaming children surcharge” of $10, Yahoo! News reported. Angie’s Oyster Bar & Grill said that before the new policy was put in place, they were receiving complaints on a weekly basis about children running around unattended or disturbing other tables. Now, parents are trying harder to control their children and “99%” of patrons are respectful and understanding.
— distributed by Andrews McMeel Syndication

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