Saturday, September 28, 2024
Weird Stuff

News of the Weird: Oops! – GREENVILLE JOURNAL – Greenville Journal

What do you get when you cross spring picture day, a green screen background and St. Patrick’s Day? Completely memorable elementary school photos, of course! At Sugar Grove Elementary School in Center Grove, Indiana, picture day happened to fall on St. Patrick’s Day, United Press International reported. And no kid wants to get pinched on the saint’s special day, so many kids were dressed in green. One problem: Inter-State Photography used green screens, like those used on TV weather broadcasts, behind the kids, so many of them “disappeared” in the initial proofs. Amanda Snow said her son’s green hoodie turned into a fence, and “he had a green mohawk, but that is completely gone. … It ended up being just a hilarious fiasco,” she said. The photo company said the issues will be fixed on the final photos, but Snow hopes not: “I might reach out to the company and see if I can get the unedited ones, because honestly, they’ve brought me so much joy and laughter over the last day,” she said.
Step aside, Punxsutawney Phil. Mojave Max, a 33-year-old desert tortoise, sees your predictions of spring and calls them with a dramatic yearly emergence from his burrow in Las Vegas, Nevada. According to KSNV-TV, Max lives at the Las Vegas Springs Preserve, where he is the official mascot for the Clark County Desert Conservation Program. Every year, he marks the beginning of spring by making his way out of his burrow when his internal clock and the longer daylight hours tell him to do so. This year, Max peered out on March 26 at 12:21 p.m. Of course, Max’s interpretation of “spring” is hyper-local: It was 93 degrees in Las Vegas on March 26.
In Warren, Ohio, police responded to robbery call with a twist straight out of elementary school. As a 22-year-old man walked along a road late on March 27, a man wearing a ski mask approached him and asked if he was a drug dealer. When the victim said he was not, the robber allegedly pulled out a knife and demanded money, WKBN-TV reported. After the thief got about $80 from him, he made the victim “pinkie promise” that he wouldn’t call the cops, then rode off on a bicycle. The police have not located the pinkie promise perp.
When Alisha Moy, 20, and Jordan Cobbold, 21, broke it off after just a few weeks of dating, Moy was ready to move on. But Cobbold, apparently, was not, Metro News reported on March 31. A couple of weeks after they met, Cobbold suggested he take a key to her flat in Suffolk, England, which raised red flags for her. “I remember calling my mum because I was worried about it,” she said. After she messaged him to break it off, she returned home from work to find “something wrong” in her apartment. “He’d pulled my shoes out of the little cloakroom and poured beans and spaghetti in there. There were condiments splattered all over the walls and cooking sauce poured all over my vacuum cleaner,” she said. Cobbold had cut the cords to all her brand-new electrical appliances. Damage was estimated at about $2,000; police arrested him a few days later and he was fined, given community service and a restraining order.
Send your weird news items with subject line WEIRD NEWS to
– by the Editors at Andrews McMeel Syndication

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