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One-third of consumers believe payment companies aren’t able to help them tackle the cost-of-living crisis

New research from Carta Worldwide explores the impact of the cost-of-living crisis and looming recession on consumer payment preferences

London, 19th January 2023Carta Worldwide, the proven global digital payments pioneer and a subsidiary of Mogo Inc. (NASDAQ:MOGO), today announced the launch of a new study that reveals consumers are increasingly ambivalent toward their payments providers because they are failing to meet their needs in the economic downturn.

The study ‘Carta Worldwide Payments Pulse 2023: Why payment providers need to be purpose-driven’ reveals that consumers are focused on saving for the future, paying off debt, and adjusting their outgoings because they can no longer afford their current lifestyle. Yet payment providers are failing to provide consumers the services they want to better manage their money. The study is based on an independent survey of 1,000 UK consumers in November 2022 by Censuswide.

Key findings include:

Return to the payments mean
The pandemic accelerated innovations in digital payments and ushered in significant changes in consumer payments habits, pushing them beyond the mean. Now, the shockwaves of the recession are causing them to peddle back, returning to trusted methods of payment.

  • Cards are still the most popular payment method. Almost all (95%) of consumers said they used either credit (65%) or debit cards (30%).
  • Cash is second only to cards, with 42% of consumers using the payment method on a regular basis.
  • While existing payment methods are preferred, three quarters (75%) of consumers plan to change their payment habits to meet the wider economic downturn.
  • However, more than a third (37%) of consumers believe payments providers aren’t able to help them tackle the demands driven by the cost-of-living crisis and recession.

Payments with purpose
Firms must align with customer values and emerging needs, centred around their financial goals, savings, and security. During downturns, values take on heightened importance and it will be the agile payments providers that find innovative ways to help consumers better manage their spending that will be successful.

Consumer financial goals shift

  • Consumers’ financial goals for the new year expectedly focus on saving for their future (36%), paying off debt (26%), and adjusting their outgoings (17%) because they can no longer afford their current lifestyle.
  • 41% of younger respondents (ages 18-34) picked “start to invest” or “invest more” as one of their top three financial goals for 2023, indicating a desire to make money work harder in the current high-interest environment.

Desire for better experiences

  • A quarter (24%) of consumers wish they had better insight into their payments behaviours so they can meet these goals.
  • Younger respondents were more likely to believe there are areas in which their payments experiences could improve. Only 8% of 18-24-year-olds thought nothing needed to be improved over the next few months, compared to 56% of 55+ year-olds.
  • With the current cost of living crisis in mind, a higher proportion of young people compared to older respondents indicated they would change habits by analysing their spending more (28% vs 16%) and find easier ways to pay across borders (28% vs 13%).
  • Security is the most important aspect in the way consumers make payments (41%). There is an opportunity for payments providers to prove their value, utility, and security, to the 42% of consumers who use cash most often.

Evolution not revolution
Tough times can lead to profound innovation, but to sustain growth that innovation must happen on top of trusted and more traditional methods of payment and align with consumers’ new preferences. New and disruptive services like “embedded payments” won’t gain traction during the downturn, unless they align payments with purpose.

  • Credit is most popular within the 18-24 age range, with 42% of respondents choosing it as a preferred payment method.
  • Over half (51%) of all respondents made no embedded payment purchases in the last three months.

“The payments industry must now focus on fusing trusted and traditional methods with real purpose to meet the changing needs of consumers in the wake of the cost of living crisis and recession,” said Richard Wray, Chief Operations Officer at Carta Worldwide. “The research clearly shows that there is an emerging demand for purposeful payments from supporting new financial goals, better insights into spending, and more security. With many providers struggling to meet these demands, those that are able to deliver payments with purpose will be in pole position.”

‘Carta Worldwide Payments Pulse 2023: Why payment providers need to be purpose-driven?’ can be viewed/downloaded here:


About Carta Worldwide
Carta Worldwide is a paytech and proven global digital payments pioneer. By bridging the world of legacy payments technologies it allows brands to create pioneering digital payment experiences. Whether a new fintech disruptor or an established business, Carta Worldwide has the technologies, the ecosystem and the expertise to deliver sustainable disruption on a global scale.

Carta Worldwide believes a competitive offering is one that delivers high value by balancing global with local, scale with speed and innovation with resilience. With vast foresight, a proven track record and unrivalled experience, Carta Worldwide works with brands to realise their payments vision.

Carta Worldwide was part of the development team that produced ApplePay and was the first processor in the world to perform an ApplePay transaction. Carta Worldwide’s platform is available worldwide and used in over 40 countries.

Carta Worldwide is headquartered in London, Toronto and Casablanca, and is backed by Mogo.

To learn more about Carta Worldwide please visit:

Press Contact
Cem Galip / Tilson Pinto
CCgroup for Carta Worldwide


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