Friday, October 4, 2024
Weird Stuff

Strange triangle UFO spotted over city is '100% a real alien aircraft' – LADbible

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UFO spotter are convinced that a video shows ‘100 percent a real alien craft’ after a ‘semi-transparent triangle’ was seen hovering over a city. Take a look for yourself, are you convinced?
The video – as with all videos like this – can’t exactly be held up as conclusive proof that there are alien visitors to our planet, but you have to admit it’s definitely a fascinating watch.
The strange object appears to float in the sky ominously over Salt Lake City, Utah, with the witness who filmed the footage reckoning that it clocks in at about 60-75 feet in total length.
Is that big?
How can you quantify whether the spacecraft of an alien race we know nothing about is big?
We digress, however.
Anyway, this latest sighting comes hot on the heels of an announcement by the United States military, who confirmed they were conducting an investigation into an ‘unidentified flying orb’ that was seen by a spy plane in a conflict zone.
No, it probably wasn’t another Chinese spy balloon.
Back to the Salt Lake City spacecraft, though.
Explaining their sighting, the anonymous witness said: “I noticed a fairly large triangular object hovering in the sky.
“It was first floating stationary but moving kind of wavy.
“It then proceeded to slowly move north.
“I captured a total of four videos of approximately one minute 30 seconds each.
“The object kept floating north and then seemed to disappear from view.
“The object was definitely a triangle and guessing the size could have been around 60-75 ft in length.
“The location when first spotted was just above the high-rise buildings in downtown Salt Lake.
“It appeared to be about 1,250-1,500 ft in the sky.”
The footage was later picked up by UFO enthusiast Scott C. Waring, who shared it on his blog UFO Sightings Daily.
He wrote: “This is something very cool.
“A large black triangle was seen over Salt Lake City.”
“The object seem to have a clear or reflective hump on its lower centre that was semi-transparent, as the screenshot shows.
“This object held position not moving, which means it’s not one of the Stealth fighter jets often seen over Utah.
“However it might be a USAF TR3B or triangle craft using the Stealth fighter design and body.
“But the fact that it’s sunset and the USAF would not fly a TR3B during the day to keep it hidden from the public makes me know that this is 100 percent a real alien craft.
“This is a UFO.”
So, what do you think?
Are you convinced?
Featured Image Credit: UFO Sightings Daily
Topics: UFO, Aliens, Space, Weird, US News


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